
Doing water aerobics on my own?

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Does anyone have ideas for exercises I can do in the water, other than swimming? I'm interested in water aerobics, but there are no classes offered where I live. Any idea on moves I can do that will help to strengthen my muscles? (No muscles in particular, I just want to be toned all over) This sounds like a fun way to work out (I love being in the water) but I don't know where to begin! Thanks for your answers!




  1. I took a water aerobics class, but it was a couple of years ago, so I don't remember everything.  We did a lot of the same things you would do on land--jumping jacks, running in place, running through the water, side steps, jumping and kicking your leg up so you could touch your toes, swooshing your arms from side to side and forwards and backwards,...

    We also used those foam "noodles" and big foam "dumbbells" to increase resistance and/or aid in flotation.

    There's a lot online about water aerobics:

    One more tip--I found that I had to wear those rubber-soled water shoes (aqua socks) to keep my feet from slipping on the pool bottom.

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