
Don't You Just HATE When.......?

by  |  earlier

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People Use '3' As 'E' For Example:

H3y Guys I Think I'm Sooooo

Cool Cus I Writ3 Lik3 This & It Tak3s

P3opl3 Ag3s To S33 What I'm Trying To Flippin Say !

Well...It Annoys Me Anyway XD




  1. it aannoys me. other things that annoy me are people that...






    only  alot more worse or when they TyPe LiKE tHiS or IN ALL CAPS...ugh its like grow up a little.

  2. Its called "leetspeak" or 1337 and is often used for online gaming. yes in my opinion it is responsible for some measure of illiteracy.  

  3. It annoys me but

    not as much as when people capitalize every word.


  4. hahaha awh

    you poor thing

  5. Oh god yes!  I'm a great reader, I write and love reading out loud, but when reading that it sounds like I stutter because of the stop and go of figuring it out every single time!


  6. YeS iT dOeS aNnOy Me BuT nOt As MuCh As ThIs LoL

    ^^ annoys me soo much

    and using 0 for o


    c00l guys

  7. I hav always w0ndrd y p3opl3 d0nt use pr0pr sp3llin9 n punctuati0n wen tey p0st their answrs.

    tey haf 2 gr0w up 2 p0st gud answrs.

    tey dont make sense @t @ll!

    Da pr0blem iz tat da modern generation lack pr0per educati0n in 3nglish bcuz tey wanna lern da sh0rt txt msgs n chat l@nguage.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    It is very annoying!

    Also when people refer TO as 2

    and FOR as 4.

    EDIT: However, I prefer numbers to represent letters in my passwords.

    For example, I do use 3 instead of E in my password.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

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