
Don't want mice?

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I just got these three fancy mice. I think their fancitanting and all but I don't just want to take them back to Petco. I think they are bothering my mothers allergies but they may not be because she said she "visited them" today but yesterday she had an allergic reaction. I also don't like the fact they are so hard to pick up so I put them in a carrier to clean out their cage and it is very stressful. I also don't want to take them back because my sisters like them so much, and my nephews like any animal. I don't want my sisters to be mad at me because I starting not to like them, or my mom. I don't think their the right pet for me. But I payed for all of the things they need to survive plus them so its not like I am wasting my parents money. I just want to get one hamster now. I feel so bad to take them back. What would you do?




  1. How long have you had them? It's normal at first, and for a good while (especially if you have more than one in a single cage) to have to put them in a carrier or something while cleaning the cage. Even if they were tame you would still have to make sure they are somewhere safe while you are busy cleaning their stuff.

    Are you sure that your mother is really allergic, or is she faking it so you will get rid of them? (I'm not accusing her of lying, but I could see many people doing that with any kinds of animal).

    If you bring them back to the pet store, chances are they will end up as snake food. And while, as a mice lover, I totally understand the need for snakes to eat as well, it would just be sad to know that that's what these mice's fate would be.

    There are many pet forums out there where people can advertise pets for adoption, including mice. If you can afford to keep them a little longer, I think it would be much better for you to make sure they find a good home where they can be happy. Remember, you were the one to take them home with you, they are your responsability. Pets are not disposable creatures and they deserve as much respect as they can get. Find them a good home if possible, make sure that whoever adopts them know what they are getting into (so they don't end up at the pet store from these people). I sure hope these mice will live a happy life.

    However, you mention wanting just one hamster now... I would advise you to learn as much as possible about hamsters before getting one. They are definitely not easier to pick up as mice, even if they are bigger, and they are biters (much more than mice can be).

    Never forget at getting a pet, any pet, is always big responsability, no matter the size of the pet. If you were having a baby, you would probably buy a lot of books about parenting, well the same thing should always go for pets: get informed BEFORE you get them.

  2. Mabey,put an add in the paper or something if you want to sell them  or give them out for free say "Free To A Good Home" or something.

    ♥Good Luck♥

  3. Another option if you really can't keep them, is to take them to your local animal shelter.  You'll be guaranteed they don't end up snake food.

    Additionally, I would not recommend that you get a hamster.  If your mom has allergic reaction to your mice, the hamster will be no different.  Also, it sounded like you rushed into getting a pet without fully researching what you were doing.  Animals are not toys to be bought, played with, and gotten rid of when you're tired with them or if they don't turn out how you expected.  

    If you like animals but don't have the capability to care for them, I would suggest you volunteer your time at an animal shelter.  You'll have exposure to all sorts of animals without the responsibility of day to day care.

  4. I wouldn't take them back if it were me..

    It sounds like you may have rushed your decision and just went and bought them without considering all of the outcomes. Naturally they are not going to be friendly yet, since you just bought them. Petco also sells mice and rats as feeders so they are not likely to have been socialized. You need to have patience. Pets are not going to be whatever you want them to be right away. That's why it's a BIG decision before you buy them. The mice will likely get better if you consistently interact with them and handle them. What if the hamster you get isn't friendly. What if he bites you? Will you want to take him back, as well? You need to work with fearful animals, or you'll never get any that like you.

    I just think that when you get an animal you are responsible for it. And if you do take them back to petco they'll likely be sold to someone for snake food. If I had purchased them, I wouldn't be able to take them back. I'm not trying to judge you, I make mistakes too, just supplying my input here. I don't think you're a bad person or anything.

    If you really don't want them, find someone to give them to. A friend, relative, or someone on craigslist who won't feed them to a snake. I wouldn't recommend giving them to someone totally free. That usually draws in snake owners. Charge a small "rehoming" fee of $5 or $10 to keep away people that would want to use them as feeders.
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