
Don't you hate it when.... ?

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Don't you hate it when someone says mexico is ugly, then you ask them which part of mexico have they been to and they say Tijuana, Juarez or some other border city? That ain't the real mexico. Thats like the east LA or Compton of mexico. You wouldnt judge the USA by just visiting Harlem now would you?




  1. I don't hate mexico! I have only been to Acapulco but it was gorgeous. The hills and homes that over looked the water were insanely beautiful. Don't listen to people. :)

  2. Now just what do you have against Harlem! lol

  3. that is true..good question.

  4. Dunno. A lot of people from first world countries don't see the beauty in imperfection. Growing up in Mexico gives you  whole different perspective on things and makes you appreciate things more.

    Plus I find too much cleanliness and order in cities to be.. boring. Washington DC looks like a life size toy set.

  5. The border cities always get a bad rap. So far from the cultural and political center of the country, busy business and tourism centers, plus the places where drug cartel wars are being fought every day. American tourists are being frightened off, hotel and restaurant business is off 40% at last count.

    I agree that there are places in the US that are just as bad or worse. Those of us who live in the border states are bombarded with emails from friends about the carjackings and other assaults occurring in the areas. Its a shame, Tijuana has many cultural events and young artists who are creating great work that needs to be seen.

  6. I think it's total ignorance.

    I've been to a lot of really, extremely beautiful parts of Mexico.  It's not the greatest country in the world, but it does have a lot of pretty areas.

  7. hahahah YES!!!! some people are ignorant! ¬¬ but whatever we know what we have and what we don't have, like people sleeping in a cactus with  sombreros ¬¬

  8. it doesnt bother me cuase these are the same people that went there to party when they turned 18! I did! Spring Break Baby!

  9. If Mexico is so great then why do we have them all in the U.S.

  10. I ♥ Monterrey!

  11. Mexico may have some areas that are eye sores but no worse than any inner city in U.S. or Canada.For me what really makes a country beautiful are the people and the Mexican people are wonderful.As far as garbage,pollution and infrastructure that is the responsibility of the Government. Unfortunately for the people of Mexico this is the only thing that's really ugly about the country in my opinion.

  12. Hahaha, yeah I hate that too, and no I definately wouldn't judge the US after only visiting harlem.


    They obviously don't have enough money to go deeper in the country.


    I hate when people say, "I've never been there because I'm not Mexican". don't have to be Mexican to go there.

    or When people think its a piece of c**p. Too bad they've never been outside the US.

  14. ummm.. iv never heard that b4...

    bcuz im not mexacan..

    personaly, i don't judge anyone one by where they came from, or their family members.

  15. Hahhaaa, yes! I know what you mean! People have to keep in minds that Tijuana is the armpit of are any border towns almost anywhere in the world...duh people....

  16. Although I've never really been to Mexico, I've seen pictures and it looks really beautiful. (but remember i cant say because ive never actually been there) and as for judging the US because of harlem..thats wrong too. Yes, there are a lot of places that have bad reputations but you cant leave out all the places that have good reputations as well. and as for judging mexican cities that dont look all the good, how about going and touring the ENTIRE country before making an assumption?


  17. OHhhhhh i hate that! yea everybody is right its total ignorance that those people who say that have. Or i hate when people are shocked that I date a guy who loves in Mexico, like its a bad thing. grrrr

    haha drives me crazy

  18. It's incredibly annoying and stereotypical. Many of the people who say that about Mexico are so close-minded they only understand themselves, and people who work exactly like them. there are so many people in America like that, it's no wonder our whole economy is falling. Many people need to realize that WE ARE NOT THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF THE UNIVERSE. Living in a small town is the most annoying. Try having lived in South Korea, and coming back to the Stupid States and having someone ask you: Were you scared with all the communists carrying guns everywhere? I can tell you with absolute postivity that there are very few, if any 'commies' packing guns and bombs in SOUTH Korea. My goal is to move to a foreign country, hopefully China or India, or somewhere in Europe.

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