
Donaghy 15 months in prison?

by  |  earlier

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was it too light of a sentence? too much??

what u think?




  1. i think the a*****e will learn his lesson, hopefully

  2. I think that's enough time. They should make him ref a few prison inmate basketball games and for every bad call the inmates should whipp his ***!

  3. i spent a NIGHT in jail... not even prison. just a holding cell. and that was about as much fun as it sounds like it is. so 15 months is fine. especially because his outside life is screwed after this. If he had gotten more i wouldn't of minded it at all. but 15 seems fair.

  4. Seems lenient in my opinion, that's not much time for someone who disgraced the game of basketball. I would've given the 33 months in prison along with a larger restititution than the one he and his other colleagues got.

    Funny, but I don't agree with the statement you make.

  5. he Should have been executed.

  6. Im a rockets fan but i think that was too long, 10 monthes should have been the max.

  7. What up Granny Curser,

    I was expecting a longer sentence but hopefully it'll be long enough for Tim.  Perhaps the judge is taking into consideration some of the mental issues that Tim is dealing with- could be kind of depressed and they are saying that he's a bit "mentally unstable."  

    It's sad because the man does have a kids and a wife- but the most important thing is that he hopefully learns his lesson and hopefully he can recover and do something productive with his life after prison- most certainly no one is hiring for any kind of officiating job.


  8. I think he should have gotten the 33 months instead but 15 months should be enough. Although once he is released, his reputation will be ruined so he will have a hard time getting another job.

  9. probably was his first offense ever on his record and he cooperated with the FBI on the charge. naming names n s***. thus getting the lighter sentence. rather have seen him get the max time but when you cop deals it is what it is.

  10. It was too light. Of course, he cooperated with federal authorities, so his sentence had to be reduced. when he gets out, he WILL NOT be allowed back into the NBA.

  11. wow, thats way too much, 10 mnths at MAX

  12. No I'm pretty sure they will keep him in solitary confinement. You know how many people would love to kill him?  People already serving life can do whatever they want.

  13. I think it was too much, I would have said 6-9 months at the most. It's not like he killed anyone

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