
Donating to burma...?

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i want to but am sceptic(sp?) about doing so as on the news the story continues to be that the burmesan government will not just let the aid get through...should i continue to donate? are you going to?




  1. The government of the country wants you to donate your money and material aid.  

    They do not want it to be used to aid anyone in need.  They want it so they can take it for themselves.  That is why they do not want relief workers.  You cannot re-sell relief workers on the secondary market.  

    The aid money you send to Burma will be diverted to the personal bank accounts of the members of the ruling government.  The material aid you send will be re-sold and the proceeds will also be banked.  

    Poor countries are poor because of they have governments of thieves and users.  Burma is a poor country because it has a government of thieves who use the people and resources of the country for their personal gain.  If the people of Burma were confident that they could build businesses and own property without it being taken it could be enter into the 21st century economy and not be a poor country.

    Most of the poor countries around the world are in a similar situation.  Unfortunately they have become so accustomed to having a thief system, a feudal system, that the people of the country have accepted it as part of their culture.  It could take three generations of moderates in power to change the culture to allow for individual liberty and economic freedom that would raise those countries out of poverty.

    Do not send aid to Burma, it will not arrive where it is needed.

  2. Yes, donate to the International Red Cross and do so with a prayer that it will get to the people that need it.

  3. i wouldn't give money, but perhaps donate clothes that sort of thing to the Red Cross, more chance of that getting through, but even then who knows.

  4. It's really difficult isn't it?  I haven't donated because the military junta is actively stopping aid reaching the area, but I can't see how the situation can carry on and believe that sooner or later they will have to let aid in.  So I wonder if I should donate now because so much help is going to be needed if and when aid does ever reach the area.

  5. No because I don't believe for one second those who need it will get it and I won't give one penny to the cold hearted tyrants and their greedy fat belly's...

  6. No I haven't and no I'm not going to. There's no chance that anything will get to where or who it's meant for.

  7. I work very hard for my money and just can't bring myself to donate to Burma.  If it weren't for the junta confiscating the aid that is entering the country I probably would.  I'm usually quite giving when it comes to disasters in other countries but am still quite hesitant.   They don't give a rat's behind for their own people.  What a sad and ugly situation.  How can they possibly consider themselves human beings???

    My son spent some time in Sierra Leone, W.Africa and warned me at the time not to feel sorry for the poor people there and send aid.  The aid that arrived there, intended for those poverty sticken people, was being held for a very large ransom in a warehouse until the ransom was paid.  In the 6 months that he spent there no $$ exchanged hands and the cargo still remained in warehouses.  The government didn't seem to want to get involved and rid their country of these vultures.  Maybe they were also on the take??  

    I hate feeling the way I do but it seems that sometimes we're just throwing our money away when we think that we're being of assistance to those in need.  What a sad, sad world we live in.

  8. I know how everyone must feel but if we all take this 'don't trust them' attitude, the Burmese people will suffer even more.

    The  'World Food Programme' is a safe recognised organisation who see that the aid gets to the right place.

    Just one little pound is enough to make a difference to someones life.

    Come on you mingy bunch, get the wallets out !  lol.
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