
Donation help??!?!?

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ok so my grandfather recently passed away and left me and my sister each $500,000 to recieve when we are18. I am now 16 and want to know what charity i should donate $1,000 to? any help?




  1. What are you interested in? Feeding children, saving abused animals? There are so many. Think about it, sleep on it. Something will come to you. Check out the charity before you give, to make sure they're for real. has listings on hundreds of charities.

  2. To really make the most difference donate to a group that is local to your area or has a local branch or chapter.  Go see what they do.  Maybe even volunteer for a few hours and get a hands on feel for it.   Check out references.   Look at the website.   Go see what they do first hand.  Be sure it has currect 501c3 status sio your gift is tax deductible and that the majority (75% or more) of the money really goes to help and not just for overhead.  

    What catches your heart?  Do you care about little kids that need help?  If so think about helping a homeless children's programn, or a shelter that helps families with kids get back on their feet and have a home again.   Or you might want to donate to a program that gets school supplies for kids in need.   If older folks touch your heart think about a local nursing home or senior center.  If you love animals look for a no kill shelter in your area.   If art or music is a passion for you donate to an organization that works in those areas.  

    In general I would recommend a local place that helps people or animals directly because $1000 will make more difference there than in a big national organization that has a lot of administrative expense.  Your church may have programs that are special to you or were special to your grandfather.   Thise are worth considering too.    

    You are very smart to start thinking in this now and taking time to chack out the possib;e places and see who is making a real difference.   If your school has a community service hours requirement consider doing your service in a place you might want to donate to.  It is probably best to not tell them that is why you are doing the hours there so you see things  and needs as they really are.

  3. If I had any money, I would donate to the Salvation Army -- they help SOOOOOO many people and tons of local people going through a rough times -- a lot of times help to keep from being sent to the street because of job loss/lay offs, etc.

  4. American Red Cross.

  5. What ever you choose make sure you check into it first and make sure that the money really goes to the cause not the management.

  6. I would suggest your local Elks lodge.  Choose on of there charitable committees.... (youth activities, Veterans, Handicapped children, Seniors, community services, special Olympics, ) and they will give you opportunity to make your donation.  There may be a disabled vet that needs asistance in building a ramp to get in and out of his home, there may be a family that needs to send a child to Minnesota for cancer treatment, perhaps a disabled child has outgrown his wheelchair..... your local lodge will help you make a donation that will count and you can see the results of your generosity!!

  7. St. Jude's Childrens's Cancer Research Center and Hospital is a wonderful organization that was founded by Danny Thomas.  His daughter, Marlo Thomas, I think is the current CEO or spokesperson.  They treat children with cancer regardless of their family's ability to pay and they rely totally on donations.

  8. American Red Cross

    United Nations aid to African countries.
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