
Dont you hate it...?

by  |  earlier

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Dont you hate it .....when you tell someone your opinion on something

or w/e...anything on any subject, n the person you're talking to just stands there and acts like they know what you're talking about, but it's obvious they don't, because they just stand there nodding their head, and changes the subject all of a sudden




  1. Well...

    You say your opinion.  

    That leaves the listener with two options.

    a) They can tell you you're completely wrong which starts an argument since you obviously disagree.

    b) They can not care what your opinion is since everybody has one.

    I usually vote for b.

  2. not really

  3. They're just afraid to look stupid, so they don't want to say that they don't know what you are talking about.  It's easy enough to understand how people would feel that way.  Look at it from their side.

  4. That never happens to me.
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