
Dont you love big dogs?

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im into all the big mutts, st.bernards, and i love dobermans and rottweihlers. not so big on the 'teacup'(badly-bred) dogs.




  1. Biggies are the best...I have 3 Rotties and 1 Cane Corso

  2. i love both (:

  3. I love big and small long as they love me too..=D

  4. me two st. Bernard are my favorite along with the greater swiss mountain dog.  

  5. Ah yes,

    I love St.Bernards, Newfoundlands, Mountain dogs, Alsatians and more. xD

    I have a corgi X foxy and it annoys me because he's too small.

    But I also have a border collie X lab and a Newfie/Lab/Border collie also.

    And most of the teacup dogs are ugly, and Chihuahuas really look like big eared rats!

  6. I love them all.  To date, my Jack Russell mix is the standard for the rest...fiesty and active through all 17years of her life.  She travelled with me around the US and to Mexico.  Excellent hiking, backpacking and light rock climbing dog.  She grew up with a cat as her buddy, so she was used to negotiating precarious positions such as the top of seatbacks while I was driving the car.

    She was fearless and dominated much larger dogs.  The only female dog I know who would lift her leg to mark territory.  Serious intelligence.

    I currently own two much larger dogs, a female Rottie and a male Pit-Akita mix.  Both are spoiled and active.

    Dartass224, I love them both for different reasons...the Rottie is a tad small at 75lbs and she's the Prankster...the Pit-Akita is fairly hyper and I'm keeping his weight down to 86lbs, he's the athlete/beachstud.  I try taking them to the beach at least twice a year to swim in the Ocean.  Check out their old pics at!

  7. Little doggies are fav are english bulldogs but I also love mastiffs and st bernards

  8. Yes. Anything under 50lbs usually dosn't appeal to me. Not a big lab or golden fan either. I like the working breeds.

    Dawgz, I had a rottie girl before, and a male akita pit mix now!

  9. I love all!!! One small kind: my puppy bichon/shih tzu One medium kind: Beagle(it is right?)

    One big kind: Great Dane

    I love all though!!!

  10. Yeah im with ya. I never had liked small breeds don't get me wrong I luv all dogs! But small dogs are not for me. My mom luved small dogs she had a weiner dog. Cute but to small. Then she got a lab now she says NO MORE SMALL DOGS! I jus think bigger dogs are much more fun b/c they do more things like they can actually jump in the back of a pick up truck! Lol! Small dogs can't.

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