
Doomsday 2012?(read details)?

by  |  earlier

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i know their's like a bunch of questions about it, but none of them have the answer im looking for. so how does this "Mayan Calendar" work? and their saying something about the seasons changing? did Nostrodamus predict this? and do you really believe the world will end Dec. 21, 2012?




  1. reemember the mayans went non-existent? we dont know why but they suddenly wiped their faces from earth. maybe they depicted something terrible then, but no, i dont believe dooms day is on 2012. there are certain notions and pointers for dooms day. try reading an dissertation from The Quran  or ask a knowledgeable religious preacher from any religion.

  2. well most of the things that the mayan predicted came out to be absolutely true.. like the world war... the mayan calander ends on 12th december 2012.. so probably evrything should end at 2012 according to the calender.. well personally i woulnt like to believe it.. coz i dnt understand how the whole world can end suddenly after 4 yrs!!!!  

  3. Yes, the world really is going to end on that date.

    However, I am working on a machine that will avert this disaster.  If you send me $250 I can get the rest of the materials I need to complete it and save everyone.

    edit:  the Mayan calendar doesn't "end".  Since it is based on cycles, that date simply coincides with the end of a Long Cycle...after which another one begins.

  4. The Mayans never predicted anything, they have been credited with predicting everything from the two world wars to 9-11 but none of this is true.  There is no reason to think the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012 just because the Mayans stopped work on their calender at that date.  Nobody knows why they stopped at all, it's very possible that it would have continued had it not been for the Spanish invasion.  Also the calender predates the birth of Jesus but current calenders are based on the birth of Jesus.  There was a miscalculation when determining the year that Jesus was born so the calender is off by 4 to 6 years, given this fact we are already in the year 2012 or it has already passed.

    Nostradamus never dated any of his predictions except one, he said that in Sept. 1999 the "Anti Christ" would come to power.  That didn't happen either so there is no reason to believe in this stuff.

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