
Doos of the week nominations?

by Guest62953  |  earlier

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Several answerers have emailed me about reinstating Doos of the Week, so email your nominations to me. Privacy ensured and we will see who gets the vote!!! Nominations so far

1. D405

2. s****.

3. Hennie

Who do you nominate?




  1. If only u knew hw sweet and funny D405 IS,SHE'S A FRIEND OF MINE..VERY HARMLESS SOUL..and entertaining i never get bored being with her!

  2. HA HA HA ! D405 Wins it hands down for calling me a "dirty ,fat wanker '' !

    She can be glad I don't report anyone ! Any case if she sees this , up yours !

  3. I see the S.H > is going to hit the fan again.

  4. Holy Crappies I have not been here long enough,but if you ask me I will go for D405,now that's a stupid little miss that thinks she knows all but in the mean time she knows knows sweet blue F*** all !!!!!!

  5. Call me a coward, but I'm not playing. This sounds way too dangerous for me. Although I have to say there are two names on that list that I would nominate.

  6. S.H.I.T indeed

  7. Go away bootay I declared my love for dearest 405 a couple of weeks back, I saw her first.

  8. Definately D405! Hands down. And cos she called me and I quote "septic ****!"


  9. Wie of wat te vok is D405?

  10. This sounds like a great spectator sport for me to watch.  I have only one question - What the devil is a Doos of the Week???

  11. Lol Honey I wondered when you were gonna install it again but here's my nominees!!!!

    1.D405 she/or he needs to respect people and their views!!!

    2.Hennie for calling Cakes names that she does not deserve!!

    3.s****. for being some what childish but his ok thou not as bad as the other two!!!!xxxx

  12. I would prefer it to be called Mampara of the week, like it was at one stage.  

    I suppose my nomination is well know: the person who told me to go and skyt in die mielies, boerevrou!  Mr Hennie aka Norman aka Hendrik Frensch aka Hendrik Verwoerd.

  13. That is NOT the way it is done Sir and you know it. A list of all participants this week is more appropriate. For all you know, many people might prefer YOUR name on that list.

    D405: If I have to choose then it would be you. I simply find your answers but mainly your questions lacking substance. They provoke, which is fine, but ultimately there is not an underlying meaning, idea, opinion, message, anything that one can agree or disagree or affiliate with...nothing of value.

    I suspect that that is your intention. Riling people. I hope and presume your other character contributes more usefully to this forum.

    (And I am convinced that you are male, no insult intended)

  14. You are seriously looking for my attention..take a look at ur own profile..Its filled with questions about me..

  15. No competition for who I'd vote for!

  16. huh?

  17. Well I think Himmler hennie and dickhead405 would make a good love match, we could lock them in a room together for a month. We would then be able to understand why they are both such gibbering wrecks.

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