
Doping controls in Amateur racing?

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Doe's anyone know what the level or doping controls are for Cat 3/4 racing?

Are there any? if so, who regulates it & what are the penalties?

The reason i ask is i recently entered a Cat 4 raod race & got demoralised by watching some riders doing something very suspicious, enventaully losing to the same riders to watch them walk away with the points :-(




  1. there are controls in some races and not in others.  drugs testing is expensive, and all USCF races are supposed to be subject to testing, but i dont think they apply it fairly or evenly.  it has always been a problem.  they are supposed to test the to three and random back through the field in licensed races, but i dont recall ever getting tested at the Cat4 level.  that didnt really start happening until Cat2 that i can recall.

  2. wise man once said

    all cyclists are on drugs

  3. To tongue in cheek: wise man should have said "some cyclists use drugs".

    I am a cat C USA Cycling official.  I have never heard of or seen a cat3/4/5 being tested.  Then again, I have not worked any national-level events.  I have worked one UCI cyclocross race.

    The USA Cycling Rulebook states on page 19:


    "Policy II. Medical Control

    USA Cycling has a zero-tolerance policy for doping in

    our sport. Fair play is paramount in maintaining the integrity

    of bicycle racing and the athletes who participate in it at any

    level and discipline. USA Cycling is committed to working with the United States Olympic Committee, the UCI, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, and the World Anti-Doping Agency to ensure a level playing field for all of our athletes.

    Any USA Cycling member could be tested at any event and

    must adhere to all USADA and/or UCI anti-doping control

    procedures in effect at the event.

    Section 1. USA Cycling has adopted and participates in the

    United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) protocol for

    Olympic Movement testing (USADA protocol). The USADA

    protocol is incorporated herein by reference and shall prevail

    over any USA Cycling Regulation to the contrary. Their

    medical control regulations shall apply to USA Cycling, its

    Associations, and all members, licensees, participants in races granted permits by USA Cycling or Associations, and

    organizations affiliated with USA Cycling or Associations. For

    information on or a copy of the USADA protocol can be

    obtained from USADA at (800) 233-0393 or the USADA web


    In addition, UCI anti-doping controls are organized at many

    USA Cycling events. Any member may be subject to UCI

    testing at such events.


    Note that the rulebook does not specify when testing will take place.  It just says it could.

    If those guys did win because of illegal substances, I am truly sorry that you lost.

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