
Dora the Explora??

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What's up with her? Who uses tape to climb a mountain!? Why does Map say map over and over over and over over and over over again!?






  1. For heaven's sake, it's a children's show. Did you watch Blue's Clues when you were younger? Did you realize how many times they said the same things over and over then?

    "Vamanos" means "let's go" in Spanish. By repeating it, it helps little kids to begin learning and understanding Spanish (I wish they had a show for French, too, but I digress).

    If you don't like to watch it, listen to your iPod while the little kids are enjoying it.

    EDIT: That attitude is why Americans are despised in several foreign nations. Children in several other countries throughout the world are REQUIRED to take English as a foreign language, usually starting at a pretty young age.

    So Dora is broadening horizons. Big deal.

    2ND EDIT: I'm not a parent. And as for the whole influx-of-Spanish-speaking-persons thing...I'm not going to go into that here. But people who are outraged when their children tell them "si" instead of "yes" just shouldn't let them watch the show anymore, in my opinion. The TV does have an off button.

  2. O.o i know! my little sister watches is and it gets really annoying when it's being repeated like OVER and OVER

  3. Dont hate!

  4. My little sister use to like her she probably still likes her but I do kind of like her but they do say lots of dum stuff but just to teach little kids different words when I was in 2nd grade my teacher liked dora so what she did is turn it into homework she would tell us to watch on saturdays and then write down waht happened and stuff  like that

  5. personally i dont think i will ever let my kids watch any shows that just want to make more and more money by marketing every product they can think of. just another way to sucker us in.. personally i can`t stand the show Id rather my child know english before i teach them other languages which will be a must in our home however not at 2.

  6. becuz dora is awesome!! No not really but they want the children to pick up on the words so they repeat them 50 billion times. :]


  8. Whats up with her? ......Well she teaches and makes kids learn new things. By her climbing up with tape the kids don't know that's not possible they are kids!! I think its a great video for kids 1 year and older she has taught kids how to count and their colors and a bit of Spanish which I'm bilingual and so will she but i am happy to see that it is showing other kids that aren't in the environment to speak or to even know another language. Vamonos means lets go...... Its great.

    *Mother of 2 year old and 29 weeks pregnant with a boy....:)

  9. They repeat stuff because they are trying to teach the children watching it Spanish. Duh. My little cousins watch that and really starting using the Spanish they learned from that show. They were 3.

  10. Did you ever see the Saturday Night Live episode where they had a fake Dora cartoon and they had Dora asking all of her "inquisitive" little questions and they got more and more ridiculous and inappropriate as the show went on and it was hilarious.   I get it that it's good for kids to watch interactive shows but that doesn't mean we have to love it for it's enteratainment value too.
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