
Doreen Virtue Angel Guidance Oracle Board?

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does anyone own one or used one and does it work on the same principles as a ouija board as this is something i would not use but the angel board sounds interesting?




  1. I've never used this board before as I prefer to read using cards.  I absolutely love her cards, If you have not purchased this then I'd say don't - get some of her cards instead!

  2. I have a biased opinion on anything and everything that is Doreen Virtue. :) I have all her decks and all her books, I just love her. I have used the board once but I didn't buy it. The reason I didn't buy it though is because I didn't need it. With the cards and my channeling capabilities...I just didn't find it necessary.

    When I used it, I felt like it was protected. I felt that it was specifically for Angels to speak through.

    I don't know if it's possible for something like this to attract other entities or not though.

    One thing I want to point out is that Doreen doesn't believe in fallen Angels. She thinks that what some people see as fallen Angels are actually a darker being created by man's fear. She doesn't believe that Angels have the capacity to be dark.


    Had to log off for a moment.

    The board did feel different when I used didn't feel the same as a Ouija board does. I think it is a good tool but to be safe, I would call on Archangel Michael before starting communication and ask for him to protect the channel. I would also state that you only wish to recieve communications from the Angels.

  3. ive heard of tha name b4!!!!!!!!!!!!...o and an angel bard, witch board, ouija board, oracle board....all the same.....o! doreen virtue made the se tof tarot cards that i wanted to buy!! LOL! just dont worry about it just buy the parker bro's ouija its the same u can put a cross on it to ward off demons and put a cirlce of salt around it too

  4. My mom has one.  It is not really like a ouija board at all.  It's more like you roll dice then move the angels.  To start you just put the angels whereyour question may apply.  I think it has a much better feel than a ouija board.

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