
Dose space have a ending?

by  |  earlier

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just maby just maby it dose but i dont think so




  1.   No not that we have seen or know of..If it does???  What the heck is outside of that?

  2. That's a difficult question, in that it could both have an ending and not have one at the same time. Let me explain.

    Time and space are intrinsically linked. The very fabric of the universe is called space-time. Time couldn't have existed before the Big Bang because space was wrapped up into a single point devoid of  dimension. Without actual spacial dimensions, time as well would have no area to act upon. 3 of the 4 dimensions (the X,Y, and Z axes let's say) would have no value. Time can't exist without them, so all four dimensions (time being the 4th) wouldn't exist either.

    So, what that means is that the age of the Universe (roughly 13.7 billion years, by current understanding), would have a barrier of sorts, beyond which no particle expelled by the rapid expansion of space-time at the point of the Big Bang would have passed to this moment. That would, effectively, be the end to the universe.

    The paradox is that it is unclear if anything but entropy will stop the Universe from expanding. This greatly depends on the shape of space-time itself; either flat, sphereical, or hyperbolic. Current indications (judging from an observable outward acceleration of matter from the point of the Big Bang) seem to rule out the chances of a Big Crunch. If there is no possibilty of a Big crunch, and matter can continue to expand outward forever, until all the energy in the universe has been exhausted, then the real answer to the question is not a question dealing with purely with spacial seperation (i.e. lightyears from point A to point B) but rather the distance any recognizable form of matter or energy is able to travel away from the point of the Big bang before losing its energy. That time would be n>101, which trust me, is a very VERY long time.

  3. no because the universe is expanding in every way possible in every second at the speed of light so there is no "ending" or "outside of the universe

  4. Yes, all matter in it solely existed in 1 spot, and then ewxploded rapidly into what we call the uni verse, hence the uni, it means sigle line.

    The universe is only known to be curved, but definitely has an end, but we could never reach it.

  5. no, it goes on forever. matter fills up a finite amount of it, but if you were to get in a spaceship and fly past the farthest matter you could still keep going.  

  6. No one knows.  But it's constantly expanding if it does

    Here's my theory.  Space can be looked at as the inside of a sphere.  A constantly expanding sphere.  If we were to hit let's say the north side of the sphere, we would appear on the south side of the sphere.  So I think it does but once you hit it, you will appear on the opposite side.

  7. i don't think it has an ending, but i also don't think its infinitely big. I can't think how to explain it so I'll quote Modest Mouse- "the universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were"

  8. people did think the earth was flat once upon a time, maybe space doesn't have an ending.

  9. No, there is no point in space where you will be travelling and than just randomly stop, you could keep trvaeling in emoty soace forever....

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