
Double Yoke Eggs??

by Guest32525  |  earlier

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if theres two yokes in one egg does that mean two chickens will come out of it?




  1. Yes.. No... Maybe So....

  2. yes, it is possible. In high school, I did a science project, which proved this, and growing up in rural OH I've heard of it many times, and actually saw it once.

  3. I've never known anyone to try that. But double yoke eggs from hen houses on egg farms are not fertile. Maybe out on a farm where there is a rooster. Who knows?

  4. I have no i dea but the thought of having a double yoked egg just creeps me out.

  5. yes!

  6. ya u might have twins u never know. right?

  7. not now you have discovered its a double yolker unless you selotape it back together and stick it back under the chicken.

  8. I posted this reply basically to same Q a few weeks back.

    Best Wishes

    Young hens have more of a tendancy.

    I see alot 2-12 weeks after they start laying.

    Really does not matter the breed.

    It has to do with their cycle.

    If two yolks are close and the older one is not moved down the ovaduct, they both can be encased in the same shell.

    This can happen at any age, but more likely at a certain point in their cycle. e.g. every 12th egg.

    When year old hens stop laying and resume a couple months later, you'll see more when she starts up, then less when she is re-established.

    Regular grocery stores usually don't sell double yolkers.

    It is considered a grade quality irregularity.

    They are detected by their odd shape and by candeling by the grader (a farm worker or USDA inspector) put into a special bin and sold to certain customers.

    You sometimes see them sold at farmer's markets, where all the eggs in a flat are double yolkers.

    It is a great gimick.

    You can usually tell the double yolkers by looking at the outside of the egg becuase they are 50% bigger, either taller or overall bigger and wider.

    You'd think it would be painful to the hens.

    More of a chance for egg lodging and vent damage to a young hen, can be fatal.

    You can also candle them and see the two yolks.

    These eggs very rarely are fertile nor do they develope.

    If they do maybe only one will grow, but usually lethal.

    I've never had one develope.

    I don't even waste my time,

    I just eat it or give to friends kids for them to marvel and eat.

  9. twins...i had one the other day

    (made me gag though I wouldn't recommend it.)

  10. if you found two yolks you must have cracked the egg open, so the only thing coming out is an omelet.

  11. yes

  12. It is analogous to having twins.
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