
Downswing question?

by Guest32547  |  earlier

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I have played golf for many years and it amazes me the different answers from golf pros I get on this questions. What starts the downswing first? Some will say feet, others will say arms but most will say hips. I was just surfing the net and immediatly found a contridiction on the Golf Channel. One instructor said with out a doubt you start the lower body and hips and the arms will follow behind for power. Then I click on another video and the instructor said the exact opposite. He said the downswing should be started by the arms first. This is so confusing. Not both answers can be right. What do you believe to be the correct answer and can you provide backup to support your answer (links, video etc.)?




  1. for me its your abdominal area.  it is between your hips and shoulders therefore, if you intiate your downsing with your tummy, the rest (shoulders & hips)will follow-which should be the case. If one gets delayed your either gonna hit a draw or a fade

  2. i was always told shoulders, because if you get "armsy" on your way down, you wont have solid contact with the ball.  As far as hips go, it's certainly possible.  But, if you had to choose between arms and hips, go with arms.  You will get much more solid contact this way.  Hope this helps!

  3. Go to on the bottom left side of the home page you can click on and view players swing videos. Watch the left hip (on right handed players). The left hip turn starts the swing. You should feel a lag in the club head and let it whip through the shot. Don't force it it's like swinging a rope with a weight on the end. If you really want to understand the swing, get the book John Redman's Essentials Of The Golf Swing. Explains it correctly and easy to understand. The best instructional book I have ever read by far.

  4. The downswing should follow the same path as the backswing. Just stand where it's confortable and don't swing too hard. I have no backup documentation...but it's an easy brainless fix worth trying.

  5. During the backswing , there is a weight shift from evenly distributed onto the back foot as the body torques to build up potential power. In the process, the heel of the lead foot may come off the ground. Resetting this heel initiates the downswing. If the heel doesn't leave  the ground, the shifting of the weight back to the lead foot initiates the downswing . So weight shift is the dominating factor in triggering the downswing.

  6. If you're ejaculating prematurely, just concentrate on something dull and unattractive, like golf.

    *looks up*

    Dammit, wrong section.
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