
Dragons and other mythical creatures?

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i love dragons, i think they are real, why dont other people think so? i mean, i've found many many websites for say, faeries, mermaids, ect... but what about dragons? they are the most beutiful, magestic and breathtaking of all creatures. but they are the ones that seem to be less beleived in. ppl say they couldnt possibly be real, extreamly large reptiles that breath fire? no way! but once you think further.. a half person half fish that can regain its fish tail when it touches water and loses it when they dry off? im not saying i dont believe in mermaids im just saying once you think about it they r even less likely then dragons. i guess. :) anyway, i just really want 2 meet some people that feal the same way as i do, who love and believe in dragons...




  1. According to Buddhism Dragons are otherworldly animals.  In the same way earth has its own flaura and fauna, heaven, and other parts of the spirit world, have their own flaura and fauna.  Dragons exist only in heaven; according to Chinese folklore, the emperor of heaven only allowed them to cross over to earth to slay all demons or send them to h**l.  Once the dragons finished assisting the emperor of heaven, they want back to their homeland, which exists in heaven, not on earth.

    So why can't Dragons, according to Chinese spiritual beleifs, exist on earth?  They can not exist on earth because they are beings of enormous power that are a manifestation of heaven's power.  A single dragon, just one, has more power than all of the armies of earth put together.  Any creature possessing enormous spiritual power, is the property of heaven, according to that tradition.  Dragons lived on earth in the remote ancient past, when people's hearts were more pure, and that power could exist here.

    A dragon is so charged with divine power, their very pressence is enough to destroy evil meaning, any evil people, or people with a little bit of evil in their hearts, would be slain nearly instantly from being in a dragon's pressence.  The lack of purity of the human race, the deterioration of it, is what ultimately prompted the emperor of heaven to tell them to leave, lest they destroy the whole world.  A dragon's roar, according to these stories, is loud enough to make the whole earth tremble.

    As creatures, they posses wisdom and intelligence beyond that of any human being who has not reached Buddhahood, and are not just the guardians of heaven who assit the Nio kings in battling demons, but are also the guardians of heaven's secrets.  Dragons, are poised to slay anyone, who would seek to steal them.

    So the stories say.

    I personally take the stories with a grain of salt but I hope they helped you glean some insight about them, if that is what you believe, although....

    if Dragons exist or not, they are still just a creation.

    And if Dragons serve heaven do you think they would want you worshipping them, or the being that created them?

    Food for thought.

  2. because dragons never existed


    Here is some dragon history for you.

  4. I love them to, but you have to remember that they are hiding for a good reason.  it is probly to keep people FROM believing in them so that they may live on.

  5. dragons were actually just dinosaurs. some of them might have actually been able to breath fire and glide for a short while, but they are not magical creatures.

  6. There are "Dragons" out there, not neccessarily meaning as how everyone describes and pictures them, there are ancient dragons for told awhile back that were man sized "Lizards" what they soon called Dragons, but since evolution now we have smaller lizards or the children of their ancestry of "Dragons".

  7. i love dragons too, and i really wish there was some way to talk to our ancestors. all cultures have some sort of dragon in myth, and also a flood myth (plus many other similar archetypes), it makes me wonder what went on back then that made all different people's record similar myths and make similar artwork of dragons.

    some people think a dragon is the ultimate predator of our long ago ancestors. it has features of snakes/reptiles, cats and eagles, all things that can eat monkey and apes. so maybe dragons are remnants of our ancient fear and respect for these creatures and an "ultimate creature" that is ingrained into us all.

  8. I don't know about any forums but I will talk to you about Dragons.

    I have a very distinct memory from a past life of befriending a dragon, I would type his name but it doesn't translate to english very well.  Anyway he was a very good friend and Very Wise. You can contact me thru my profile if you don't think I'm too nuts.

  9. Type in Dragon Forums on google.

    I typed in Horse Forums on google and got what I wanted.

    But like I said, I think reptiles and Kimodo dragons are the closest things to dragons. I used to be obsessed with dragons and I got over that and found myself things to do. You though could go on believing aas much as you want, you seem to really believe in them. ;D

  10. I'm sure the myth started when someone came across some dinosaur bones and tried to take credit for killing it for the glory. The rest is history.

  11. dragons are indeed real and very powerfull creatures feel free to email me and i will tell you more.

  12. yeah can i buy some crack from you?

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