
Dreadlocks...Yes or No?

by  |  earlier

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I have medium length dirty blond hair and I was wondering if I'll look okay with dreadlocks, if I decide I want them I can go in October, but I'm on the fence because i don't know how ill look with them. the link below is a picture of me... let me know what you think.





  1. dey gangsta get dem. if ur a chick dont get dem

  2. no .  

  3. Sorry no



  5. sorry no no no you are pretty just the way you are

  6. that is a bad idea. you have to shave your head if yu decide you dont like them. and not many people think they look good

  7. NO!! Don't do it!!

  8. h**l no.

    wayy best for guys.

    plus they smell......

    you look cute without them.

  9. oh  yeah that will look pretty sexay

  10. NO!!!!!!

  11. well your hair is really short for dreads and when your sick of them you have to shave your head so your chose there  

  12. DON"T DO IT!!!!

    dreads are EW!

  13. no.  dreadlocks never look good, especially on a girl

  14. no

  15. it just wouldnt look good i cant see them on a girl...

  16. ehh...not so sure on the dreadlocks.

  17. No, nobody looks good with dreadlocks, especially girls.

  18. no. your white. your hair isnt the texture for dreads, it would make you look dirty.

  19. go for it, people are always going to say no, but everyone can look great with dreadlocks, even girls.

    dreadlocks add personality to you

    dreadlocks form better with clean hair

    (i dont care what anyone says dreadlocks are clean)

    dreadlocks take time and dedication it wont form overnight

    its a journey, do you want to choose this journey?

  20. NO!!!! dreadlocks are gross ESPECIALLY on girls!!!

  21. noo sorry. they dont even look good on guys :S so you should definitely not get them. plus they're so complicated.  

  22. No, you look so cute with your current bedhead look. Don't change it! Or well, if you must get dreads, I suggest only getting a few (maybe on the sides) and not covering your whole head with them. Or you can get some nonpermanent extensions.  

  23. personally i would say no.  you cute without the dreads.  but if you do decide to do dreadlocks, i would say you should put some colored cinderella hair in, [color extensions], like blue, green. purple, pink, then get the dreads all together with the way cute

  24. NO! Dread the dread.

  25. NOOOOO

  26. dredlocks are the ugliest things u can get in your hair sorry but its true


  27. what the h**l is your problem?  Dreadlocks?  You're a little white chick.  Why the h**l do you want dreadlocks?  When you get them, are you gonna put them up in one of those green, black and red wool hats?  Are you going to fake a Jamaican accent too?  Freakin poser.  Put on your Hannah Montana shirt and listen to Jonas Brothers on  your Hello Kitty Ipod, and start thinking straight.

  28. if you do decide to have dreadlocks, make sure you're prepared for how time-consuming and high-maintenance they are.  my sister had them done and after about a month she couldn't cope with them anymore and had all her hair cut off.

  29. Noooooo! Please please please don't get dreadlocks! I'm begging you, I'm even on my knees while typing this. I like your hair the way it is.

  30. dont get them. they looked hot on jason castro from american idol but not for a girl. if you want to do something different try dying your hair a light brown, i think it would look nice.  

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