
Dream about an ex?

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i had a dream last night that my very first boyfriend came to my house and surprised me and it took me a reallllly long time to change my clothes but we ended up walking through my neighborhood togo to get some food and it was at night and a realyl clear sky but when we were walking he had his arm around me and like held me and i had my head on his sholder and hes like " i missed you so much" andi mean ill always still have something for him cause he was my first boyfriend but i woke up and wanted to talk to him but i havnt talked to him for a really long time.. so what do you think this means?




  1. I find it sort of ironic that you answered your own question. I mean you said it yourself, you still have feelings for him.

    At this point the question would be: how can I talk to him again without it feeling weird?

    To answer this question, have a group get together. Have a friend throw a party and start chatting to him there. That's one approach. There's also texting him something like "Hey, I've texted everyone I know, but nobody has given me a straight answer. Do you know [insert name of somebody he knows]'s number?"

    For more information, ask a question in the Relationships section of the site.

  2. Usually we would dream of our ex from time to time even if it has been a long time.  It's just the emotional sensory in our brain that gets activated sometimes, and when we are asleep we end up dreaming about it. The thing is, when we dream about it, it is more powerful than just thinking about it in our waking life. It evoke the feeling we had before, and we end up yearning for it - but actually we really yearn for what was wonderful before the break up. You just got to learn that it's just a dream, and it's just a way sometimes to help heal our psyche (sounds like a contradictions, but it isn't).
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