
Dream about brother dying?

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Well I had a dream that my little brother died about a week ago, then my fiancee had the same dream, (about my brother) then I found out my mother also has had the same dream twice with in the past 6 months! (about my brother, who is her son) What does it all mean? And he's not sick or anything, (that we know of) and he's only 13 years old! Any opinions?




  1. Well, most of the times dreams about someone close dying are not omens or signs of things to come. They simply arise because there is some kind of change occurring in your life right now and subconsciously you are worried about it.

  2. I had a dream that my father died but he didn't die until 10 years later... it could just be a coincidence.

  3. After experiencing a robbery, I had dreams that my big brother and aunt were stabbed but nothing happened! Don't worry, I'm sure its fine!

  4. I believe it's symbolic of your little brother growing up.  He's dying to the "annoying little kid" self and growing into a "young man".  

    Has he done something lately to make you all see him in a different light?  Like gotten a girlfriend - done really well in school - made a mature decision.

    Don't worry, it's all good.

  5. I believe that some of the other answers are quite right. Seeing your brother die in your dream just symbolizes your acknowledgment that he is changing, growing up, and maybe even that your relationship with him is changing. Obviously, as we grow up, our relationship with our siblings changes as we change. Again, him being 13 is just more evidence that this is what the dream means. Thirteen is the universal age at which a child become an adult.

    Other members of your family dreaming the same thing is recognition that, they too, realize and acknowledge the changes that are happening in him.

    It seems that you have a pretty close family and look out for each other. That's good.

  6. Maybe it means that, the little kid in him is dying, and not him his self.


    To see your brother in your dream, may symbolize some aspect of your relationship with him. It can also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has certain characteristics/behavior similar to your brother's.


    To see someone dying in your dream, signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person.

    Hmm, I don't know.

    answer minee?

  7. It seems to me that a part of your little brother did die = his childhood, since he is now 13. I don't know when his birthday is, but it's very interesting that three people dream of your brother this way.

    I think it's because you all see a change coming over him, which is called becoming a teen... raging hormones, uncontrollable body changes in height, agility: the works. Interest in gender, in what it means to be 13, 14 or so, and on to a far age, these days.

    It takes a long time for humans to mature, and teens are especially at a wonky time of life-- you remember, don't you?

    I believe what you, your fiancee and mother all dreamt has to do with your brother growing out of childhood and into some occasionally difficult years.

    Help him out with good attention to possible teen ramblings, making of it what you can to respond well, and just know your dreams, all of yours, are normal about a kid his age. He is on quite a threshold. 'Sokay. We have all been there.

  8. I think you should tell me about your dreams so he can take care of himself.

    But I think when you dream of somebody died he/she will have long life.

    For some reason, it is coincidence. How often do you dream and remember when you woke up and a week after it came true? Be aware of that ;-)

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