
Dream about dying?

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I keep having these terrible dreams about dying.

Not necessarily dying, but things that will imply i will die.

In one dream, I dreamt I had gotten shot in the head with an arrow. I didn't die immediately but i was told that i would end up dying from too much blood loss.

In another dream, I had an incurable disease. Again, I didn't dye, but it was implied that I was GOING to die.

I also dreamt of being kidnapped and taken to dark places where there is no way out.

What could this mean? I can't stop thinking about these dreams.




  1. you have what i like to call ORI (Over Reactive Imagination). i have it. and dont worry. try and think about very happy times it worked for me

  2. Maybe your time is near O_o

  3. Those are scary dreams! Remember that dreams mostly come from problems and ideas buried in your subconscious. (For example, dreams of a couch can mean that you miss a father figure.) Although your dreams are implying your death, they can mean other things. For the first one, arrow in the head, this could symbolize that you were recently hit by bad news or that you have been over stressed lately. The second dream, the incurable disease, this could mean that the stress and harsh emotions you have been suffering lately is slowly "killing" you figuratively. The third one, dark places, could mean that you feel 'trapped.' Once again this could mean your stressed or are in despair and cant get out. The fact that in all these dreams it IMPLIES your dieing rather than just killing you off can mean that you are aware of your surroundings and its giving you time to figure out ways to find answers to your problems. I would try to look up a symbolism site that helps with decoding your dreams. Hope this helps and that those horrific dreams are cleared up!    :)

  4. Dreams aren't prophecies, they are like warped versions of your day.  You may be worried about death and these worries are expressed in your dreams.

  5. dreams are  usely in soem way or form  reflected of a days event or thots so i would recamend to you to get away from any thing that makes you think about thoes things go take a trrip with soem freinds and keep your selfs so buissy that you dont think about it and thay should stop , i wish you the best of luck i have problems liek that but after i go on a trip i feal so good . and stop worig about stuf  . i know its weird but that helps me  :D good luck - galkurn

  6. These dreams possibly suggest you need to make some changes in your life.  There are some things in your life that need to die so that you can move on.  The fact that you did not die is a good symbol indicating you can move on.

    The dream of being kidnapped has to do with someone in your life who is controlling you.  This could be a clue as to what some of the changes should be.  In the dream there is no way out but in life there is always a way out.
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