
Dream interpretation? advice please

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I keep having dreams where the running thread is a guy I used to know, I went to school with him from age 8 to age 15. We were boyfriend and girlfriend when we were 8/9! and then I lost touch with him aged 15! the wierd thing is, I live in London now, I have since I was 18! I am 30 in a week (scary) and really havent had contact with him at all! but I have had at least 4-5 dreams and hes in them! last night he wasnt in my dream but his name came up! please can you shed any light on this? thanks! xx




  1. Hiya Frankie Honey,

    Happy birthday for the big 3   0.

    Wait until the big 4  0 comes along, that's even worse, but better than the big 5  0.

    Your dreams reflect this fear of loss.

    Loss of time... where did it go?

    Loss of chances... unwilling to let go of the past.

    The guy was incidental in reality, as he is only a metaphor for the things in your life which you haven't achieved.

    Solution... let go of the past, and leave it where it belongs... in the past.

    Learn from it, but don't drag it around with you.

    Plan for tommorrow, but live today as if it was your last.

    Go out and live your dream...what do you really want to do in life?

    Once you allow what I have written for you, to percolate through your mind, you will understand fully that you have been constantly missing opportunities because your past failings have been holding you back.

    Let go of them and promise to believ that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Best wishes.

    Good luck on your journey.

  2. either you should get in contact with him before it's too late

    there might be something special waiting for you

    or be expecting to hear something about him anytime soon

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