
Dream interpretor??

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i had a dream my tooth was wiggly and then it fell out

but i thought it was o k because i already had a small tooth underneath growing it that was pretty big

so i thought that the baby tooth would grow and no one would realize my tooth fell out

i was wondering what my dream means

i know that it your tooth falls out in a dream it might mean that someone might get sick or die

but what does the tooth underneath mean ??

please help??




  1. Sometimes dreams don't mean anything, when you have weird dreams, they mostly resulted from things you have experienced in real life. (it's just a fragments of things in your memory that you're experiencing in your dreams...)

  2. That is not true because I've had at least 5 dreams of losing teeth in the past 5 years and no one has died.

    Losing teeth is symbolic of being vulnerable or being vain.  So maybe you are pretty confident in yourself and the tooth wiggling meant that someone did or said something to make you doubt yourself.  

    When the tooth comes out you were upset over this comment or action (but you hid your feelings over it), Because you are confident another tooth grew in it's place and you learned from the experience.

    Nothing to worry about IMO

    BTW those dream interpretation books are not worth the money.  Symbols have many meanings and you have to 'learn' how to take all of the symbols and find common meaning in them to put an interpretation together.  This takes practice and a book that just tells you what a symbol means wont get you far.

  3. perhaps it's an indication that you are going through

    changes in your personality, where "younger ways" yield

    over to more "adult ways" ... and that this is part of the

    "natural growth cycle"  (( a new tooth underneath ))

    the "new tooth" being your increased, more 'adult' way

    of dealing with the universe

  4. maybe it means that there is going to be comfort in the death..

  5. In Chinese Medicine this could be interpreted that you have been working too hard and have depleted your reserves of energy.  If you have been pushing yourself recently - either physically, mentally or emotionally, then it's time to take it easy for a few days and get some rest. Otherwise  I don't know what it means! :-)

  6. it really means that you need to take care of your teeth.

    The dying dream is when you dream a baby is born someone usually dies.

    and when you dream of death someone is having a baby.

  7. hi, i used to think that too, or well that's what i heard as well. but i don't think that its the true interpretation of it at all. cos' no one has ever died or been sick when I've lost teeth in my dreams. you should go to your local book store and look through some of the dream interpretations books. good luck
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