
Dreaming about losing teeth?

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Why is it that everytime I dream about losing teeth I have a life changing experience and go through depression afterwards?

When I was very little I dreamed that I lost my teeth and I woke up worried and looked in the mirror to make sure my teeth were ok, yes I know I was little..... Then I went through depression.

Once I dreamed about losing my teeth and days later I began a depression because I went to a bad hairstylist who burned my hair, I had bald spots on my head and had depression for a few months.

Last year, before I got braces I dreamed about losing my teeth and since then I have had bad treatment, a tooth was pulled on one side so it disfigued my face, I have a dent in my cheek my face still looks crooked and my midline is way off. My teeth and face looks terrible compared to how I looked before. I always had great self esteem but since I experienced treatment with a abd orthodontist I completely lost my self esteem and I often wonder if I will ever be back to normal?




  1. One of the particulars regarding which retaliatory punishment was to be inflicted - i got this from a bible dictionary

  2. When I have dreamed of losing teeth, it was a sign that I was talking to much or not watching my words.

  3. I heard this was a bad omen or a change or something, not too sure, but here's the interpretation :-)

    Psychological Meaning: Dreaming of teeth falling out may represent insecurity. These dreams often occur at a time of transition between one phase of life and another. When we lost our milk teeth, we also gradually lost our childhood innocence. Loosing your teeth therefore show that today you have similar feelings of uncertainty and self-consciousness as you did in childhood. The dream could also highlight your worries about getting older or your sexual attractiveness.

    Animal teeth may represent aggressiveness and false teeth may represent concern about your self-image. The dream could also be triggered by subtle toothache that you are not yet consciously aware of.



    1. Do I feel insecure because I'm starting a new phase of life? Katie's dream may highlight her worries about soon reaching 40.

    2. Am I facing reality? Dreams about loosing teeth may represent a retreat to the innocent times when you were a toothless baby and dependent for nourishment on your mother's milk.


    Dream 2Mystical Meaning: The Nilotes of the Sudan believe that if a woman has a toothy grin it is a bad omen. It symbolises the mouth of a wild animal that will frighten the cattle and superstitious lore insists that maidens with a wide smile be made beautiful by having their front teeth removed. An African witchdoctor would therefore interpret dreams about losing teeth as a sign of prosperity.

  4. I think that I interpreted this dream for you yesterday.

    Such a dream point to many possible explanations. OK

    If you see your teeth falling off, it means that something or someone will become an obstacle to you. Also, if you are in debt, it will be paid off.

    The other explanations are:

    If you dream that your teeth fall off and then you lose them or you can't find them, it indicates a demise of someone close or someone goes into a coma. If your teeth fall off and you find them, it means that whoever is in coma will recover.

    If you see your upper teeth falling off onto your hand, it indicates money that will be given to you.

    All of these interpretations are possible.

  5. it may be a sighn when something bad is going to happen

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