
Dreaming of a river. . .?

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I had a dream recently that I felt had great meaning. It was very vivid and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. I was walking along a riverbank in the dream, and there were no towns around for miles. It was a narrow river but had a steep bank in parts;; other parts were not steep and there was beach-like sand along the shore and you could wade. There was deep lush green grass all along one side of the river/stream (in the dream I thought of it as a river but now looking back it was skinny like a stream would be. Weird.) and also a lot of trees and shrubs. In some places there was so much growth along the bank that you could barely see/get to the water, and this made me nervous. I think I felt nervous because in the river there were a lot of people wading and fishing, and whenever the brush became too thick I couldn't see them anymore and felt all alone in the wilderness. inally I found another clearing and waded in to talk to someone. We stood there having a . (cont. below)




  1. Try some word associations and see if this helps unlock the significance of some of these symbols in your dream.  For example, without thinking, quickly blurt out and write down the first few things that comes to your mind when you hear each of the following words:

    1. River

    2. Sand

    3. Grass

    4. Shrubs

    5. Wading

    This exercise usually helps me to understand my dreams more fully.

  2. This dream states the condition you are currently in.  Was the river agitated or calm, likewise, are you? Any turbulence in the water is indicative of turbulence in your life. How you actually feel as you walk along this riverbank is how you have actually felt in your life.  There is hesitancy and much precaution on your part to initiate certain actions, nevertheless, all ends well.


  3. I THINK ur goin to drown in something deep. BEWARE

  4. running in a dream has many meanings..To dream that you are running away from someone, indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.� To dream that you are trying to run but cannot make your feet move as fast as you want them to, signifies lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. It may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis while in the dream state. To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation To dream that you are running with others, signifies festive and prosperous times.

    the river signifies that you are allowing your life to float away and it is time that you take a more decisive hand in directing your life. A river also symbolizes joyful pleasures, peace and prosperity.

    the grass suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on.The dream is also symbolic of natural protection.

    the people wading and fishing has somthing to do with your emotions..they may have the power to control how and what you feel.

    to summarize it.. i think that you need to improve on your self should not let others rule over should make your life and not do things on your in your self.. hope it helps..

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