I had a dream recently that I felt had great meaning. It was very vivid and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. I was walking along a riverbank in the dream, and there were no towns around for miles. It was a narrow river but had a steep bank in parts;; other parts were not steep and there was beach-like sand along the shore and you could wade. There was deep lush green grass all along one side of the river/stream (in the dream I thought of it as a river but now looking back it was skinny like a stream would be. Weird.) and also a lot of trees and shrubs. In some places there was so much growth along the bank that you could barely see/get to the water, and this made me nervous. I think I felt nervous because in the river there were a lot of people wading and fishing, and whenever the brush became too thick I couldn't see them anymore and felt all alone in the wilderness. inally I found another clearing and waded in to talk to someone. We stood there having a . (cont. below)