
Dreams about my dead grandpa ?

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what does it mean when you talk on the phone with a dead relative in a dream and they are trying to help you>?

im my dream my abusive father

( who is no longer in my life. got kicked out of the house )

was after me.. a lot of my dreams he is trying to kill me and i am running away.. - please dont tell me im seeing the future because im not a physic.

in this dream i had a phone and my grandpa was trying to support me and give me clues on how to escape. i didnt clearly understand what he was saying he was telling me to take money or something..

but i got the feeling that he was trying to help me..

my grandpa was very differ. from his son and is loving and kind, i miss him he died last year




  1. You are just having flashbacks of things that happened not long ago. Don't worry it will pass. Try listening to some Christian music before going to bed, it REALLY helps me

  2. I got good news girl, That is a common way for the departed to come to us in our sleep state, the good ole phone call, I will bet my bottom dollar your dream was more than a dream , and grandpa was showing his love and support, our minds usually stand in the way of communication or interpeting the communication, say a prayer and ask for your grandpa to reveal in a way you can understand what he is trying to convey, take note, thier rules are different then ours, so your answers make come in the most unexpected way... pay attention. ole grandpa still loves you and is trying to help.

  3. I lost my Daddy this year & I have had several dreams about him.  In one he was helping me when I felt in danger figure out how to get out of trouble.

    If it is true that our loved ones can visit us in our dreams from the other side... then perhaps your grandfather is trying to reassure you that he is still around to help you with your fears.  Maybe with the phone involved he is trying to say that if you need him... just call.

  4. oh noo..... its okay.. i know how to fix this problem!

    1.listen to some music.

    2. go to the park but ask your mom or dad. lots of food but dont get a tummy ach. anything but not about your grandpa!

    5*(important) when its time for bed, dont think about your dead grandpa. think about nice things. not about your you know what. i cant say it or you might think about him.

    also in the morning tell your mom or dad that you miss him. then tell them how you feel. then they will tell you something about your grandpa. maybe that will help.

  5. This is a healing dream and your grandfather is trying to help you heal through this dream.

    Your Dad may be no longer in your life, but he is always you Dad.  (That is why he is chasing you in the dream.)

    Your Grandpa is telling you how to escape from your father.  While you may have understood it to be money, it may be something else.  

    Are you in counseling to help you get resolution to your relationship with your father, if so, relay the details of this dream with them.

    Best of luck in your healing.

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