
Dreams of War.?

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Ever since i was little, early teens now, i have had dreams of war. I have always been running away, looking for someone, or if i found them, run with them. Sometimes its not war, its sometimes a monster. And i would even die in most of them. My mom says might mean something prophetic, but she is also the one i am usually looking for in my dreams. But i didn't tell her that i die in some of them. As for the location, they weren't on a battle field. Here are some examples: An office building with many floors, urban areas, a jungleish area on an island, a forest, a seashore on an island, and theres a couple more. What do my dreams mean? If you guys need anymore details, i'll try to give you them. thanks i really appreciate it.




  1. This may sound awkward, but maybe your having memories from your past life. you could have be a soilder or nurse in the war. and the monster your dream about sometimes is you thinking of these war dreams as problems.

    Hope I helped!

    - Limitality

  2. War

    To dream of a war, signifies disorder and chaos in your personal affairs. You also be experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle. You are feeling torn between aspects of yourself. Perhaps the dream may indicate that you are being overly aggressive or you are not being assertive enough.


    To dream that you are running away from someone, indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.

    To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation

    To dream that you are running with others, signifies festive and prosperous times.


    To dream that you are searching for something, signifies the need to find something that is missing or needed in your life. You may be searching for a solution to a problem.


    To dream that you are followed by a monster, signifies that grief and misfortune are in your immediate future. Monsters represent parts of yourself that you find brutish and ugly. You may possess some fears or some repressed emotions.


    To dream that you die in your dream, symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or in your life. Although such a dreams may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm and is often considered a positive symbol. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something.

    On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone who is terminally ill or dying. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation.
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