
Dreams of being trapped?

by Guest62825  |  earlier

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So for the past week i have been having these odd dreams that im trapped somewhere. It started with a dream about being in a detention home/orphanage. I was with other kids but i was sleeping on bunk beds that were falling apart and we had rags for clothes.But in the end of the dream all the kids that was with me in the DH/Orph. played on a little league baseball team and then left to go somewhere on the bus. idk where we ended up. Then i had this odd dream about being put in prison with my best friend. We were in a very dark and cold Cell. It was not a regular jail cell. There were 2 beds, a book shelf with old dusty books and a small tv. Later on in the dream my boyfriend and my best friends boyfriend were thrown in the same cell.I was crying alot and very depressed.I think i actually tryed killing myself.Then in another dream i was trapped in my basement with my bofriend,BF, and brother.And all we did was play a game.I seem to be trapped or in prison.DH in all my dreams. any ideas?




  1. It sounds to me that you are the kind of person that likes your freedom. So to be isolated or put into a place that you have no choice in the matter, no matter who it's with, is h**l. I think what you need to do is something different. Ride a bike, camp, do something that is different from you normal routine. Perhaps follow what your dream said and play some baseball. Don't live you're life like it's on a schedule, and have fun. And if the dream keeps up, talk to a Philosophy professor.

  2. It sounds as if  you may be feeling trapped in some of your relationships.  Your boyfriend?  Your brother?  Your best friend?

    Or, are you "in a rut" of same-o, same-o.

    Think about some of your relationships and activities (school, sports team, etc.) and be honest with yourself about whether or not you feel trapped in some way.  

    Talk to a trusted adult in  your life about these things, and consider whether you can make some changes in your life that will give you a sense of freedom.

    Anyway, it sounds to me as if some of your basic emotional needs may not be met (wearing rags).  How involved are your parents in your life and choices? (orphan).

    Pray for wisdom.  God bless you!


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