
Drink your own urine?

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No im not taking the p**s, but I have read reports where they say drinking your own urine is a great benefit to one's health, it is supposed to cure such things as, asthma, diebeties among others. Does anyone practice this and are you better for it?




  1. the answer is no and its full of toxins

  2. mmm its so good...u should try adding some crystal lights to it!

  3. I bet if anyone has a problem with they're gag reflex it'd fix that for ya too!

  4. It apparently has few bad side effects as it is mainly bacteria free but as it passes through the urethra which does house bacteria it will pick them up and you will be drinking them too. There is no proof that drinking ones urine can cure all the ailments you mentioned.

  5. wow licious ^^^^

    i thought i was the only one its great for my skin ive always sufferd with acne in the past but this is the only remedey that works

  6. No.  I'm sure those people were also asking you to buy a book too.  While, there's not much to say it's harmful to you, there's nothing that says it actually helps anything.  Most alternative health methods have zero clinical testing to prove their effectiveness.  Mostly, it's only the placebo effect.  You would do much better to eat healthy foods, drink water, and exercise.  All those methods have far more research behind them than drinking your own urine.  But if you're wildly curious, try it, I'd guess it's an acquired taste, and I bet you can't acquire it.

  7. dont talk so rubbish

    iv never heard that before


  8. i drink my urine all the time

    its has a little tangy tast but its all good

    one time i pissed in a jug and threw it in my face


    you should try it.

    also there is another good thing you should try

    i use my Poo for a face mask it also exfoilate my skin because of the nuts

    oh yeah!

  9. I've never done it, but i've read it is good for you. And to all the people saying eewwwww, your urine is sterile, so there is nothing dirty about it. Sort your life out. haha

  10. Not only is it sterile, but I like the taste.

  11. I have actually heard that it meant to be good for you!! but there's no way i'm gonna try it. EWWW

  12. all urine is really is water and a bunch of toxins being excreted from your body.  Drinking water with toxins can't be any better for you than drinking water, your bodies getting rid of it for a reason.

  13. no no no never do that.  urine is the left over stuff that our bodies don't need, but most of all urine is full of the toxins our bodies have to get rid of.that is why dialysis is a must for people who's kidneys aren't workind, the toxins build up in their bloodstream, if the levels are too high it causes death.

  14. i think you may be the brunt of a joke mate, im pretty sure that because urea is a waste product of the body therefore a toxin to you but safe for some one else to drink.

    and to every 1 else have you never seen waterworld!

    i have athsma and never tried it although maybe thats why i still have it....guess i have it for life now hehe

  15. I don't practice it. I prefer to eat mainly vegetables and fruit, drink lots of water, excercise and meditate daily.

  16. Mines too hot, could not drink it

  17. No, I doubt thats true. They say if your desperate you can drink your urine so you don't dehydrate but even so you can only do it once before it would make you sick.

    At least thats what my teacher said.

    besides if YOU are sick and have asthma & diabetes why would YOUR urine make you better? If it was healthy you wouldn't be sick..

  18. I don't

  19. I am glad now I turned down that Scottish fellow who offered me a wee dram.

  20. Apparently the actress Sarah Miles carries out the practice of drinking her own urine (and has done for the last thirty years) as did Ghandi and Nero....... So it obviously worked for them......couldn't face it myself.

  21. nope

  22. ewwwwwwwwwww

  23. I have heard this but realistically if you think about urine. Its actually the way your body rids itself of its waste, so to drink what your body is saying is rubbish is ridiculous. I am sure that you would end up with bad breath and lots more nasties!!!

    Plenty of water & a healthy balanced diet.

    And if that doesn't do it for you then just do whatever but please leave the urine off the menu...Whatever next eating poo???

  24. i'll pass feel free though

  25. UR GROSS .......... i tink uve done all sorts of things and only drinking ur own urine was left for u to do n told everyone to practice it STUPID GUY

  26. all the time its so great im so glad i started doing it!

  27. Yucky, but I have heard this, though I don't know how drinking a bodily waste product that probably has all sorts of toxins in it could possibly be good for you.

    I just try not to drink too much alcohol and drink plenty of water.
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