
Drinking and blanking out?

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My boyfriend , a very senior officer in the Army ( brigadier)

has this peculiar problem of drinking at night and completely blanking out in the morning. He will just not recall what all he said at night .

What is this situation called ?




  1. They are called blackouts.  Blackouts are one of the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse.  I would recommend professional evaluation to determine whether your boyfriend has a problem with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence.

  2. he drinks too much and sometimes when you're soooo drunk you can function, move talk, dance but you slur your words, and your muscles are too relaxed, and you cannot walk straight.  so it seems like your bf has what most typical college kids here in america tend to get when they are too drunk.  then they wake up and see pictures of them in compromising positions, maybe cheating on their boyfriends or girlfriends, who knows even waking up with people they don't know just because they blank out and acted out of character.

    if i were you and i was dating such a reckless man i'd dump him because there's no excuse for this type of behavior.  you can drink to get a buzz and hold on to it by dancing or talking among friends but getting drunka nd passing out or not being able to recall things past a certain time is shameful.  

  3. It is called of the symptoms is blacking out.  I have a lot of alcoholics in my family and am prone to it myself.  I quit drinking when I started blacking out because it scared me.  I couldn't remember how I got home or when I got home or what I did the night before.  Is he open to quit drinking?? If so he should do it sooner than later...

    God Bless

  4. It's called not knowing your limit. I used to have the same problem, where I would get drunk at night and not remember anything in the morning, which eventually led to sleepwalking, embarassing phone calls, etc.

    He has to learn what his limit is and follow it. As soon as he feels the "drunk" feeling hit him, that's his body telling him it's time to stop. I imposed a limit on myself, which is a specific amount of alcohol within a specific timeframe and finish the night out with a glass or 2 of water. I drink every night (not something to be proud of, but I do) and as long as I follow that regiment, I wake up with no hangover and being fully aware of the past night's occurances.

    From personal experience, I think he just let's himself get carried away or doesn't pay enough attention to how much he's consuming.

    He just needs to keep track a couple nights in a row, figure out what his "limit" is, and stick to it.

  5. "What is this situation called ?"

    drinking to much, he's having black outs.

  6. Alcohol poisoning...know when to draw the line!

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