
Drinking problem ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, can my drinking problem be because my dad was a heavy drinker ? I drink ALOT of sodas and I think it's getting out of control . Could it be because my dad was a heavy drinker and I picked it up from him or something ?

Im making guesses because I really don't know ..




  1. I think because you watched your dad drink it all the time (I'm assuming he drank a lot of cola? you didn't specify) you think it's ok. just stop drinking it. seriously. grab some milk or water instead. add some crystal light to your water to make it taste better. try juice. just cut out a glass or can or bottle a day. good luck!

  2. that could be the case..

    most of us do cpy what our parents do, purposely or not

    However heres something to help

    For starters just drink like you normaly do but switch everyother soda for a water and try exercising

    after you do this for 2 weeks you'll be hooked on water like me :D

  3. Soda is really bad for you, it could make u obese, and also your teeth will turn a horrible yellow colour, and then you'll need loads of fillings, untill eventually all your teeth will fall out then you'll need false teeth, no one will want to kiss you with no teeth....

    hope that works :)

    it's true ya know

  4. you might be addicted to the caffeine in soda...

  5. you probably drink a lot of soda cause you like the taste..I wouldn't link it to your father's alcoholism though, cause you always have the opportunity to make a choice..i like soda too..i'm a soda-holic.

  6. NO, Beer yes , soda no. If you keep drinking these you will get fat and your teeth will fall out.

  7. lol ur dad was a drinker; assuming he drank alcohol. That has nothing to do with you liking pop so much. Lets just say you drink pop a lot because every teenager within a mile of a store has a horrible addiction to pop. It's typical of teenagers to want to drink a lot of pop... and no water. Go figure. Even many adults don't drink enough water. It's only a drinking problem if you are consuming alcohol. So you do not have a drinking problem.
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