
Driveing to cancun mexico?

by Guest33581  |  earlier

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hi i wanted to drive to can cun mexico with my car what i want to know is will i have problrems with it .

the car is in my name am makeing payments its not payed in full yet will i stil be able to take it with me? i have a 3 month vacation i thought it be better for me to have my car with me to get around.




  1. hope you have lots of money to pay off those cops man.. i've gone from LA to Mexico City 2 times.. it was crazy and fun but a real pain in the butt.. just fly dude or cross country the US.

  2. Yes, you CAN do it.  Driving in Mexico is a challenge, but can also be a great way to discover Mexico.  You will need to get Mexican car insurance.  See 1st website for my favorite place. You will need a tourist card which you will get at the border for about $22.00. You will need to go to the car permit office in the first town across the border to get a permit for your car.  It will cost about $50.00.  You will get  a sticker for the window and some paper work to keep.  You MUST have a letter on company letterhead from the finance company for your car giving you permission to brng the car into Mexico.  They are VERY picky about this.  Car finance companies all have a special office for this.  Call them and request the letter.  You will also need your license and registration.  See 2nd website for info on all this.  Now, you need to get very educated on driving in NEVER drive after sunset...due to animals on the highway, and bad road conditions in places.  You can plan your drive using the 3rd is pretty good, but not perfect.  You will need to buy a GUIA ROJI, the Mexican road atlas.  If you cannot find one at a local big book store, they can order it or you can get it on   I live in Vercruz, about halfway on the route you will take.  I  just helped another family plan their roadtrip to Cancun as I am familiar with the highways most of the way.  If I can help in any other way, please e-mail me.  

    I just saw the answer from "weechi".  I disagree with him.  I am an American woman and have made this trip alone uneventfully.  I drive in Mexico all the time and have never had any trouble with Mexican police.  The roads are not perfect...true, but most of that route has good  roads...tere have been great improvements in the past couple of years.  Mexican car insurance is very that is not an issue.  The tolls are NOT astronomical.  you can drive all the way from the border to Veracruz city and the tolls are less than $20.00...I have done it.  I have heard that in some parts of Mexico there are roads with high tolls, but here in the east, the avg. toll is $2.00 to $3.00 and TOLL roads are WONDERFUL well-maintained 4 lane they are a pleasure to drive on.  The horror stories are greatly exaggerated.  It IS a very long drive, and there are short areas of not as good roads, and signs are sometimes behind foilage or missing...but it is NOT a nightmare drive.

  3. you can, but you are flipping crazy if you do.  first of all, a financial institution that would give you permission for this trip???  i don't know of any.  not only that, you have to pay double insurance the whole time...your insurance here, because you have a loan, and your insurance in mexico...which would not cover the cost of your car anyways and if you lost your car, you'd be paying for nothing.

    not only that, but the roads are HORRIBLE once you get down into the Yucatan.  i mean, horrible.  and the chance of getting your car or belongings stolen, and being left for dead, or worse, are pretty high.  in addition, the tolls are astronomical...and you can't do it without using toll roads.

    i wanted to do this trip once with my boyfriend, who is mexican, and living in mexico.  he's a big guy, tough guy, and pretty worldly as well.  he said there was no chance EVER that he would make this trip with me, that's how dangerous he felt it was.  in his mind, it was just stupid, and he would rather fly any day.  when you hear about mexicans making this trip...i mean, of course they do.  but you are talking about the average guy.  a mexican driving a nice car, or a mexican with money...who understands what they have to lose, does NOT  make this trip.  and being an american, rich or poor...people are going to think you have money....and that puts you in a dangerous position.

    i get the adventure thing..and believe me, i wanted to do it as well.  but having lived there, and just understanding the danger and the costs involved in this kind of's not worth it.  try something a little more manageable.  what about a trip to puerto vallarta?  or a colonial city in central mexico?  you could use the bus...that's adventurous.  taxis are cheap.

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