
Driving Anxiety Help Please!?

by Guest55726  |  earlier

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Alright, truth is I've been in 3 car accidents (i was passenger) and have only been driving for a few hours. I have my temps and am going to do in-cars soon. I can do perfectly fine in a parking lot with all the maneuvering, but I tried going on the road where the speed was only 40 mph and it felt oddly really fast like I couldn't control it and I'm worried. How can I fix this problem or calm my nerves? Any answers are great, thanks a bunch!!!




  1. I sort of have the same problem...

    I've been in two accidents, both where I was the driver.

    Since these accidents, if I drive alone, I'm okay, but if someone is in the passenger seat, I'm a wreck.

    I think its just best if we take it one step at a time and try to overcome our fears by driving anyway.. If you can, maybe go onto a road where there aren't many cars and try to get used to driving with them, and then move on to busier streets.

    I hope that helped at least a little..

  2. Practice and have confidence in yourself. Don't get over cocky

  3. I used to take my kids out in the country, or by a park and have them do different things like pulling in and backing out. It's less traffic and quieter, and that's what I think you need. Just some experience driving. PERIOD.



  4. I was the same way when I first started driving. Just keep your eyes on the road, make sure you stay on your lane, play some relaxing music. Also, make sure you have insurance. Don't go on busy roads yet, try driving calm in neighborhood roads first.

  5. "Some tips for dealing with Panic-- 3 S's:

    Slow, Sweet, Self-talk. Slow - Meaning consciously slow down your breathing...

    Sweet - Meaning have some orange juice or candies; the sugar helps in these situations to give you a short energy boost...

    Self-talk - Meaning to talk yourself through a relaxation exercise."

    Or you can talk to your doctor, psychiatrist, therapist or other treatment provider.

    It's important to rule out physical causes first. Be sure to discuss all symptoms with your treatment provider.

    Write down exactly what happens in certain situations, and try to remember when the problem first started.

    You'll want to discuss all treatment options and how self-help can fit into your regimen.

  6. This website may help you:

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