
Driving Conviction UK?

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My brother recently wrote my car off through "Careless Driving". No-one was injured, and no third party was involved, however, he's being charged.

I know a few other people that have been charged with this, and have recieved a fine and 5 points on their licence, though I've heard of others with the same conviction being stripped of their licence.

My question is, if he is stripped of his licence, would they be able to give him points as well? My understanding of it would be, if they take his licence from him, and he re-takes his driving test, his 'new' licence would be clean?

And if so, would he still have to declare a conviction for insurance purposes?




  1. First up, it is sad that your brother had to go through this ..

    To answer your question, I suspect it entirely depends on the level of offence (of "Careless Driving") that he is charged with. I do not think they are going to give him points if his licence is revoked.

    If his licence is revoked, he will probably have to wait for some time before he can re-apply for a fresh licence; if he clears the test, his new licence will be clean.

    Some insurance companies, in certain cases, might be interested in finding out if any prior licence has been issued to him and if his 'record' is clean. This is not to say that this is a general rule, but I do know of a few insurance companies being extra-cautious, going down to the last level of investigation.

    Hope this helps and things work out well with your brother.

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