
Driving Help read below!?

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Ok well I am 15 years old and I'm really nervous about starting to drive this year. I see people driving everyday and think its not so hard but I really don't know that. I'm going to be entering drivers ed at this place called driving 101. I'm scared about the drive test when I get my license. So can someone help me maybe give me some reasons not to be scared or tell me about drivers ed if you ever taken it or just driving plain period or maybe about when you took the drive for your license.





  1. I'm doing my driver's ed program at the moment. I've driven quite a few times. Just a couple of days ago I went with my dad to drive in traffic and all, and it was my first time too. At first, its a nervous feeling and you think people will curse you and beep at you and what not, but try driving in areas where there aren't many cars.

    And when you're doing your in car lessons with an instructor they take you through everything. It's really easy when you do it and all you have to keep in mind are the rules such as check your mirrors, blind spots rear, etc, and signal at the right time, and when you drive, be sure to put that into practice. You'll be good to go.

    Remember, driving is a privilege not a right!

  2. Driving is really not that hard, it just takes a lot of practice. Don't be nervous, driving school is really easy, at least it was for me. Some tips for when you take your driving test, try to find out from other people what the route is and drive through once or twice, it will help make you more comfortable and less nervous, and try to take your test in the morning, there is a lot less traffic.

  3. It's as complex to learn as swimming, singing or cycling and only by frequent exposure and 'hands on' practice can one become confident.

    Don't worry unduly. The instructor will show you the basic steps and techniques that we cant on-line. All you need to know is to get sufficient feel of accurate and steady steering, the pedals pressure and co-ordination, signals, judgement of speed and distances, etc before you gain complete confidence. I prepared partly for it by playing motor-racing games at Arcades on electronic gadgets with my buddies and getting a relatives' cars to 'test' out in the countryside--with the owners sitting beside, of course! By the time i started the drivers ed, i was already. However, it is really not that necessary, unless you desire to pass the final test at first go.

    Driving is real fun and once mastered, it's exhilarating when you go on long up-country drives! Happy and safe adventures, and dont speed! :-D

  4. Driver's Ed is great.  I took it when I was 15, and got my license on my on my 16th birthday!  It really does get you ready.  You'll see!  :)

  5. Well, the best answer is don't be scared. When I drove for my test, just don't think about it and you'll most likely do all right. A lot of people who fail only fail because they're more nervous about failing. Take a deep breath and relax. It's a rite of passage into adulthood. Good luck.  

  6. The best thing for you to do is not be scared. Confidence is key to becoming a great driver. Drivers Ed is a great idea because it will reassure you that driving is not that difficult and it will prepare you with plently of knowledge on the topic. While the inclass part of drivers ed may be boring at times, the best part is the in car portion with a driving instructor. They are a great help and you'll get used to being behind the wheel in no time. You are probably nervous because you have no experience at this time. As soon as you get started it will all become natural just be sure to stay postive and remember that its ok to make mistakes, practice makes perfect! good luck and safe driving!

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