
Driving Problem??!?!?!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am in dire need of help! I am 17 years old and I do not know how to drive. I have my license but I just suck at driving. I also just dislike the essence of Driving. any advice?




  1. learn..duh

  2. You can help your driving experience as well by looking at the road from a driver’s point of view. You should look at traffic signs and road markings and remember what they mean. You should look out for vulnerable road users such as children, cyclists, motorcyclists, horse riders, etc. You should think about how you can avoid road hazards and dangers.

    To get any driving experience using any kind of driver’s license, you will to be in good physical or mental health.

  3. How did you get your license if you can't drive? Try enrolling in a drivers education class and have a relative or adult take you out for driving lessons.

  4. Find yahoo local and search defensive driving. It works wonders.

  5. I got my permit at 16 but didn't drive till I was in my early 30's because I didn't have a car available.  It's good you have a license but someone from your family should take you out in some unused parking lot where you can drive around to get the feel of the car and to try parking, stopping, starting, breaking, turning for a time or two, then they should get you out on the back roads (like two lane road) to get some experience, a few times, and then depending on confidence then you can start driving on a road with a little traffic.

  6. Why drive at all if you don't know how and you dislike it. For everyone's safety, use public transportation.

  7. practice makes perfect, practice on demo version if available in your area or cheap & funny way is to play the X Box.

    Auto is easy, Mannual takes some time to understand the whole jigsaw puzzle.

  8. It scares me that a person who admit's they can't drive was able to get a license.  It show that it's way too easy to legelly drive a killing machine.  Nothing againsed you,  the law's just suck.

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