
Driving in England.?

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do you think everyone should go for their driving test every 3 years, like on a forklift truck?

i think it would be a safer place, as even some qualified drivers are idiots on the road.




  1. maybe driving on the right side of the rode would help haha =)

  2. Yes, I think we should have refresher courses at intervals looking at the way we drive  (rather than re-testing) because we tend to get bad habits over time.

  3. no that is ridiclous maybe in their own cars ya because thats the car they going to be driving with not a learning one so they know their own horsepower to begin a driving one to learn them the basics and advances of the road and if they change their car when they go their 3rd time then they use their current vechiale as i expalined eariler due to their going to go on the road with that vechile and their know their own horsepower. i beleive that every person that buys another car should have a test to see if they can manage that horsepower and (i don't mean test drives ) free tests with someone sitting with them driving tests. and to see if their pass including the paper test.  i also beleive beginners should not be allowed to choose fast fancy cars. and untill they have done over 45 tests then they allowed to step their game up. so every vechile every differant test. this would also save accdeints gas going up and many cars on the road.

  4. No i dont agree, harsher penalties for those who committ offences in towns, villages and cities, dont be ginving the twisted politicians any more ideas of how to s***w the motorist out of more money in the UK

  5. There are lots of young drivers with hardly any experience, as are there many older drivers. Then there are those in between that think they own the roads.

  6. Wouldn't it be nice if that was the case. There are many dangerous drivers who need to be taken off the roads.

  7. u shud have 2 do ur test again when u become a pentioner, to many old bids on thr road that aint got a clue

  8. Perhaps as soon as you get 6 points on your licence you should be made to pay for (and pass) a compulsory re-test.

  9. Maybe not that often after a while. Maybe every few years until you're 25 and then again when you're 30 and then every 10 years and then more often again when you become a pensioner.

    I've got it all planned the government should hire me! lol

  10. i think maybe every 10 years cos the rules and regs change so much now and all the new roads that get built are so different to when i did my test, i have been driving 8 years now and when i first passed at 17 i was an idiot and too immature but now i abide the law on the roads and have repect for the car and lives that are in my hands. i think you shouldn't be allowed t drive until at least the age of 21 when people are more maturer. Also alot of people i know don't have a driving licnce and if they get caught they just get points and i don't understand that as they don't even have a licence to put the points on, there needs to be harsher punishments.

  11. i never really thought about it, but now you mention it, actually yeh i think that would be a good idea!!

    I also think that when you get to a certain age you should have to, because no offence but some old people in cars look like that can barely see the steering wheel let alone the road!


  12. I'm sure it would help avoid a few accidents, but would cost the motorist dearly yet again.

    On the plus side, another government quango could be set up, no doubt employing immigrant workers, rather than English people, and be an added burden to the tax payer.

    It'll come, no doubt shortly after smokers identity licenses, cat licenses, and the hot water tap thermostatic valve inspectors, and oh yes, the window cleaners clean squeegee authority based in Rainham.

    I've heard the NHS is upping the price of prescriptions, just to mock the government again, no doubt to subsidise the Welsh so they can park their cars in hospital car parks for free.

    You couldn't make it up.

  13. Yes, I totally agree with you 100%.

  14. Until there is a test which can separate the maniacs from the safe drivers, I don't think it would do any far as making drivers drive more safely and closer to the speed limit, anyway.

    It's been my observation, that the maniacs are actually very skilled, in most cases, and are as likely to pass the drivers tests as the rest of us.  They are just idiots who think their own schedule trumps all else...including the safety of others on the road.

    I do like the idea of the drivers with more than four to six (I'd vote for four!) points being required to give up their license for a a 'time out for lunatic drivers'.  Maybe they should be required to take a safe-driving course and then re-take the driver's test before their license is restored.  

    Might seem harsh to some but the roadways seem  more dangerous than is reasonable, at times.

    Learning to drive defensively seems the best option for the safe drivers, for now, though.

  15. no, its too much money!!!! been driving over 10 years, and nevr had an accident so why shold i have do resit an exam?? its would be like asking a qualified doctor to resit his med exam...........

    now d*** heads that get done for dangerous/drunk/drug driving etc deserve to have their licences took off them and resit their test!!!

  16. Yes good idea, the only trouble is there would be hardly any drivers left on the roads!! (Me included probably!! :) )

  17. god i hope they dont bring that in.  i took 4 times to pass my test....makes me sound like the crappest driver ever but im actually pretty!!!

  18. no I do not.

  19. The 'idiots' that passed the first time would still pass the second time.

    People don't drive in real life like they drive on a test. I don't think it would make any difference. It's their attitudes that need changing, not their ability to handle a car

  20. Forklift Truck re-testing is not mandatory.

    A Forklift License is yours for ever once gained, BUT only valid for the same type of truck you passed on.

    Majority of employers re-test forklift drivers periodically (3 years norm as you stated).

    Back to driving license, agree with others, to insist experienced drivers have to sit the test again is an insult to them, and IMO a waste of time.

    Hammer the idiots who offend.

  21. No seems like a waste of money u improve your driving when u have more lesson anway way, why u need to take more lessons :S
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