
Driving jobs?

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What are some jobs that involve doing a lot of driving? I really enjoy driving but I would never be a truck driver or delivery driver. Are there any other jobs that require a lot of driving? Im 18 and female. Thanks so much.




  1. You could do pizza delivery as everyone loves pizza so you will be driving a lot and if you are fast you get tips.

  2. taxi or limo

  3. A good job that will also put you in contact with other driving opportunities would be auto parts delivery. By taking parts to a variety of repair shops, you can look for other openings with fleets, test facilities (if there are any in your area) auctions, etc. All of these jobs will entail other responsibilities besides driving. This way you can make some contacts and make a better decision. Whatever you choose, drive safely. A ticket, wreck, or DWI can ruin your whole career even if it happens away from work.

  4. pilot car(escort operations), involves following oversize loads hauled by big trucks; survey crews, meter readers, newspaper delivery, courier, just to name a few
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