
Driving test-UK answers?

by  |  earlier

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Say your in 3rd gear and you slow the car down with the breaks then downshift to 1st gear, as you bring the clutch up do you still feel the bite point as when your preparing to move off in 1st?Like the same as when you swtich to any other gear and you bring the clutch up its smooth but im just wondering is it the same in 1st when you've slowed the car down but then have to move off suddenly? (if im making sense)

I'm soon taking my test and dont even have to think about what im doing when im driving, its become second nature but when i try explain to somebody i make myself sound stupid lol

Also has anyone ever passed their test and didnt feel completely ready ? (no ref to myself, safety first)

Cheers peeps




  1. I think i get what you mean.Whenever you want to slow down and are in a higher gear, you need to choose a gear that will match your speed after you have slowed down ( 1st gear is crawling speed, 2nd is walking speed). This is the speed where you are on gear but not having the clutch depressed and also not on the gas pedal(accelerator).

    Its only when the car is stationary that we chage to first gear, else ususally 2nd gear is the best. This way you will feel the bite and also will not have any jerks.

    Driving tests in UK are very strict. I passed on my fist attempt about 8 months back. i also took the pass plus because I didnt feel completely ready even after passing my test :) the pass plus helped to bring down my insurance quote as well !!

  2. I'll take your word that you're a good driver, just don't try to explain!

  3. Usually you won't have to go down to 1st unless you're virtually at a dead stop, just slipping into 2nd normally does the trick.  Other than that, yes it's just like any other, you balance the clutch bite with the gas.  You've got the idea, if you find you don't even have to think about it you're doing fine.

  4. Yeah you'll feel that bite point though not as much as when you're preparing to move off..just give it plenty of power and you'll be fine.  You may not always have to change down to 1st unless you're coming to a standstill completely.  And yes, I didn't feel ready for my test and somehow passed it and it really gave me a confidence boost.  Just take it easy and try to relax as much as you can..I'm sure you're a great driver.  Best of luck:)

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