
Driving without insurance?

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my friend just came over. he said he had just been summoned to court regarding a traffic offence. According to him, he was driving in an uninsured car (which he had just bought, still Mot and taxed) as a learner driver. There was a person in the passenger seat who has a full drivers licence. What are his chances of anything hopeful regarding this. He is dyslexic and so has trouble passing the theory test, and i have seen him drive (very good) as he drove me somewhere the other day.

Basically he wants to know what will happen next? He wants to get his car insured but is on jsa as well. (and also on dla)




  1. Get legal aid,best of luck.

  2. No insurance is no insurance.  It doesn't matter that he's dyslexic.  Thousands of people are, they still have to be insured for the sake of other road users.  He will probably get a fine and points on his licence.

  3. yes ur "freind"

    which as everyone knows means YOU but YOU don't want to tell u it's YOU

    so i wish YOU the best of bad luck in COURT as this is HIGHLY ILLEGAL

  4. It's against the law to drive without insurance!

    He will loose his licence as a learner and wont' be able

    to passe for a new licence for a few years.

    You may even loose your licence knowing he had no insurance, you should have known better!

    If he had an accident,and killed someone, how would he have paid the family? he can't even pay the insurance!!

    This is going to cost him a lot!!!

  5. No insurance, you face  big fine and a ban, and a killer quote when you NEXT want insurance, for the next FIVE years, and you had better declare it, because if you don't, the will know as they are linked to DVLA computers, and you are committing a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to make a false declaration...  so you are messing up the next chance to drive a car!

    He was lucky not to have his car crushed that day!  Some police-forces have a "Zero-Tolerance" attitude to this serious carime.  He may be a good driver in your eyes, but if he hits me and puts me out of work or in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, how is he going to pay me for that?

    Can you tell me what JSA and DLA are?  I haven't a clue!

  6. If you can't afford insurance you can't afford to drive.  It doesn't matter how good a driver people think they are - accidents happen and if he were to be involved in an accident with no insurance how would be propose to pay for the damage to that person and their car?  Even when you by a new car, arranging insurance can be done over the phone there and then - there is no excuse nowadays for no insurance

  7. firstly the law dosnt give a toss about dyslexia, and its no excuse for not having insurance, you can get that over the phone, without filling in a single form, as for the loan for insurance, not a good idea to bring that up either, 90% of insurance companies have monthly payment plans so you dont need anything upfront, as long as he has a bank account, hes pretty much stuffed I'm afraid, you could try a sob story to the magistrates, go for the "I'm a good bloke really" angle, other than that its a fine and points, and hopefully a lesson learned.

  8. Good luck to your friend as they have points,fine and possibly a ban coming. The passenger can also get points fine and a ban as well.

    The theory test caters for ppl with disabilities icl dyslexia  and is a very sorry excuse for not going for the test

  9. if he was driving without insurance, he is looking at a fine and 6pts. there is no excuse for it

  10. He is guilty of Driving a car without insurance which is a serious offence. Dyslexic or not, he knows it was wrong.

    He will get a fine, points on his licence and maybe disqualified. He will then find it much more expensive to get any insurance cover.

    A friend of mine worked as a Taxi driver, and one night he had an uninsured driver crash into his car. he had to pay £700 for his car to be repaired before he could work again. On top of that he lost 3 weeks wages. Personally. I think anyone caught driving without insurance should be banned for life.

  11. Likely to have 6-8 points and a fine, but seeing it's a provisional I don't know what will happen.

  12. How do you buy a car and intend to drive it around with a learners permit. No insurance company will issue a policy to driver with a learners permit. He will be fined and it may be tough for him to get a valid drivers license and insurance.

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