
Dropping Problem in Cockatiel?

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My cockatiel has never had "normal droppings" they are either very very moist (while on zupreem), (after a week of conversion to harrrisons) they are presenting as possibly polyuria. her weight is about the same, and she is active, and vocal. Her annual is coming up within the week though, but what should i do? and how do i talk to the vet about this




  1. just what you said here tell the vet that your bird has loose stools and they will know what to do

  2. Merry meet,

    Dropping differ from bird to bird, even in the same species.  I have 3 and each tiel's droppings are different.

    Since you are going to take your tiel to the vet for her annual anyway, make sure that you place a clean white paper towel in the bottom of her carrier.  This will allow the vet to check fresh droppings from possible just minutes before.  This will aid the vet in determining over all health of your bird and you will be able to be more specific in what you are asking your vet about.

    Be sure to take examples of which pellet or seed mixture you feed.  I also include an example of the grain, bean and vegie mix that I feed as well.  Make sure you tell your vet what other vegies you feed as well.  This info also affects how a tiel's droppings look.

    Good luck with her exam and I hope that this was helpful.


  3. Just say "Hi, my Cockatiel has weird droppings." and explain what they look like. Although, if they've always been like this and you've had her for a while, it's probably normal. But I'd still recommend talking to the vet about it pronto, especially if you think she's sick .

  4. if u see know diffrences in  your tiels behaveur it shouldn't a big deal but just keep a close on the tiels behaveur. Oh when u go for her annual just tell the vet just in case cause it could be a serious problem. Good luck at teh vet

  5. Go ahead and ask the vet if they're anything to be worried about, although it may simply be individual variation. One of my 'tiels always had wet droppings--her previous owner confirmed they'd been that way even back when they first got her--but she was still perfectly healthy. I asked my vet just to make sure, and he told me some birds just naturally have wet droppings.

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