
Drums or Keyboard???

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i'm almost a 15 year old girl

and i really want to learn to play an instument

i am very independent but don't mind letting others run the show, very weird, one of a kind type person. I'm defiant and slightly loud. Ambitious and willing to learn.

Which instument would be more fun to play?? An not too hard to learn??

Also would colleges be more impressed that i played the keyboard/piano or the drums.

i'm not really interested in a career in music justa hobby, maybe a band with my best friend who plays the guitar and my boyfriend who plays the base.

um i'm kinda scene, not preppy at all, into alternative music.

i took a vote from all my family and friends and it came out really close (keyboard 11, drums 10)

what should i learn to play??




  1. i really think you should play the keyboard. cuase with drums you cant hear the song just the rhythem and in the keyboard you can!

  2. Well, if you are loud and ambitious, I would say the drums.

  3. why not learn both?

    i've been playing clarinet for 6 years.

    then i learned how to play sax 2 years ago.

    and a few months ago, i taught myself how to play keyboard.

    so my advice to you would be to start out learning one instrument(you decide, we can't tell you what you should do)

    and after you become comfortable with that instrument, try to learn another instrument.

    if you don't want to pursue a career in music, why go to college for it? just curious about that.....
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