
Dublin - Summer job?

by  |  earlier

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I'm French and i'm working in AOL Ltd. in Dublin. As i will be student the next year and my current contract finish in 2 weeks I 'm asking you if by any chance you know where can I find a job in city centre.

I have worked for 1 year in AOL(IT company) as Software engineer. I don't really care about the job I would find. It can be in a pub, restaurants, shops. I have already put my job on the main websites as monster, jobs, etc...

If you have any others idea, let me know about it, that will be very helpful.






  1. The best place to search for up to date jobs in Dublin is

    You will find thousands of jobs listed there. You will find jobs suited to you there easily. I would rate the site a 10/10

    Local news papers are also a good way to go.

    Best of luck with your job hunt,


  2. try reading local newspapers like the Evening Herald, Metro or Herald AM. the last two are handed out free in the mornings. if you're looking for a restaurant, ask to speak to managers.

  3. Dublin - Summer job?

    Dublin has no summer...

  4. Check out  or for jobs.

  5. go into town and shopping centres whatevers convienent for you to work at. anywhere u see looking for staff, most wont call u back but if u hand enough in somewhere will,

    i dont think you ever really hear back frm the sites and whatever shops u hand them in, call them up 1/2 weeks later if you dont hear back from them - they tend to forget otherwise!

    good luck!! i know how difficult it is to get summer jobs in dublin!
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