
Dumb Question...?

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What is the difference between AM, FM, and XM radio transmissions??




  1. Amplitude Modulation - sound transmitted based on the size of the wave

    Frequency Modulation - sound transmitted by waves based on how often they are transmitted

    XM=marketing term - satellite transmission -digital) ones and zeros represented by waves to make sound - like a CD as opposed to a tape or record)

    Wikipedia has a GREAT video of the difference - you have to look at it closely, then you'll "get" it.

    Not a dumb question at all. Not at all!!

  2. Ringo & Z    have said it very nicely & Yes it's not a dumb question. My spouse was just telling me about this the other day. Worked in radio for awhile, If you learn something new like I did that day, then You have a complete day!

  3. XM Radio is satellite radio...  i guess....

  4. ahhhh.................

    there all diffrent.. radio transmissions... that... um// do stuff///.. and stuf....ahhh...

    o 4getit i giv uP!!!

    pie.... mmmmmmmmmm

  5. AM and FM are broadcast on radio waves.  AM are weaker signals, and FM are stronger.  XM is satellite.

  6. AM and FM are both technologies that broadcast using either "A"mplitude "M"odulation or "F"requency "M"odulation. AM came first, and FM came later as you can tell because FM signals tend to sound much more clear than AM signals. The difference is only in how they are transmitted.

    But you'll notice in use, that FM stations are typically for commercial radio stations, and AM is typically used for Talk Radio, Public service stations, NPR, and much smaller local broadcasters.

    XM is not a radio technology at all. It's only a brand name, named that way so you think of "radio". It's just a receiver that takes signals from a satellite and converts the singal and plays it on your radio/receiver. Unlike AM/FM it costs to have a subscription, has more stations, and typically is not censored, and less ads.
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