
Duties Of A Car Sales Manager

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Hello all and thanks a lot for taking a minute helping me out on this one topic. My question is, what is a car sales managers responsibility/duty besides managing a team of sales people? What does 'closing' really mean? Does he call the bank for financing info, or he just manages the team for profitable sales and provides sales ideas.... or collects data from salesman and proceeds with the sales?

PLease anyone any answer will greatly br appreciated

Thank you




  1. You are pretty close on most things and the following may help.

    First up, Closing means closing the sale. That is when the prospect is thinking about buying a car the sales persons job is to convince him that this is a great idea nd get him to sign his life away. Once the contract has been signed the sale is then closed. A good closer is a salesman who gets lots of prospects on paper and into a car. The ratio of prospects spoken to compared to those who buy is called the closing average. A first rate closing average in the new car industry is 4, so, if the guy speaks to four prospects he sells one of them a car on average.

    Car sales manager is responsible at the end of the day for generating profit for the business. He does so by directing the sales force and assisting them to sell as many cars as possible. He may (or may not) be required to manage the marketing and advertising of the products he sells. He would likely have someone to call the banks and do credit checks, financing etc.

    In short, the sales manager is responsible for the number of cars sold (or not sold) and managing the day to day process of selling. He may or may not sell cars himself.

    Good luck, Jackson.  

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