
Dvd player question..?

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My TV is old, so my DVD player is hooked up to my VCR player which i hooked up to my TV. I watched a movie through it and it was fine, the picture and audio worked great. But then I put in another movie I rented and the color keeps slowly going in and out (darker and lighter and normal). It also, at some points, sounds like popcorn in the background. It's not the movie because it works in another DVD player fine. I tried the other movie that worked originally and it still works. Then I tried another movie and it does the same thing as the second movie I tried. Whats wrong with it? How do I fix it?




  1. Just a guess but perhaps the problem DVD's have modern technology that the VCR cannot deal with resulting in poor pic.

    Fix: Upgrade your TV to LCD

  2. compatibility issues

    you would be better separating the 2 if you only have one scart socket on TV you can buy a scart splitter box from most 99p shops or pound land it plugs in tv and you can plug upto 4 scarts into it

  3. What you probably have run into on the DVD that won't play right is more than likely copy protection  of the DVD.  By hooking it up to your DVD player to your VCR is is sensing that your are trying to record the DVD . The only way I know to fix the problem is to purchase a RF modulator (about $30), it should be easy enough to hook up, and will have all the proper inputs and outputs to hook up to older TVs.

  4. It sounds like "Macrovision" is causing the problem.  It is a copyright protection that is being activated because you are going through the VCR.  Macrovision has those same symptoms when it is working.

    A good way to connect your DVD to your old TV is to by an inexpensive "modulator" at Radio Shack or Walmart.  It will convert the video and audio outputs from your DVD to a channel 3 or 4 signal for your TV.
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