
Dwarf Gourami suddenly died? Why?

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Ok so, this morning one of my dwarf gourami suddenly died. He was the prettier one, named Spud. I have two of them, both bought at the same time, either last April or June. My other dwarf gourami is named Squish, because he has a body that looks like he might have been slightly squished :( (not by me of course, he was like that) They are both red/orangish with blue stripes.

Spud was fine yesterday, and last night. He was eating last night. He suddenly died this morning. The tank is completely fine, no problems at all.

What causes sudden death in dwarf gourami? Was it internal? He was lying on his side when I found him dead.

Will Squish be ok? Or would he have the same thing aswell?

I also have a beautiful gold gourami, named Matty.




  1. I've heard of a lot of people having drawf gourami's that just suddenly go belly up, its somewhat a problem with them.  I think they're a little more susceptible to diesease so if you get drawves make sure all the fish in the store look healthy prior to buying one otherwise you may have trouble.  We started out with 3 drawves and are down to 1 while the other gouramis and angels have been fine for over a year.

    If you've checked the water and the readout is good than your drawf probably caught something suddenly.

  2. It could be many things.

    Parasite infection.


    Water conditions

    or it just want to die cause it is old.

    I think it got an heartattack or something...

  3. try testing the water. Just because the water looks clear and clean doesn't mean its healthy.

  4. From my experience, dwarfs don't do that well in captivity (i.e in an aquarium). Some of mine have also suddenly died on me with no symptoms the day before. They are hardy fish in the wild and thrive in shallow waters in S.E Asia, even in rice fields that are flooded. So you would think that would translate to low maintainance fish for an aquarium. My experience says otherwise. They are pretty fish but longevity is suspect. Blue and gold Gouramis are much better for aquariums.

  5. Unfortunatley, Dwarf Gouramis are among the most pathetic fish as far as immune response is concerned.  It's fairly well accepted that the mass production and inbreeding has lead to extremely weak fish, which is why the Iridovirus epidemic that Dwarves are experiencing isn't all that surprising.  As it is a virus, antibiotics won't work, and it generally fatal.  Symptoms can range from darkened color, abdomenal swelling, open sores, reclusive behavior, and just about any other symptom imaginable, to a quick, mysterious death.  Be sure to keep your tank clean and warm to give Squish a better chance of avoiding the infection, and if possible, consider adding some almond leaves, peat moss, or driftwood to the tank to lower the pH gradually, as there is evidence to suggest softer, adicic water aids in prevention.

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