
Dwarf hamster question!?

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Should I get 1 or 2 dwarf hamsters? Is there any chance that 2 will not fight! If I get 2, wich gender would be less aggressive , 2 males or 2 females?




  1. I highly suggest not putting two together. I had two females and one nearly tore the other one apart. I also asked someone at a pet store and she said that there is a very very slim chance that they will not fight, but would suggest not putting hamsters together in a cage.

  2. anything but get it at the same time...

    You can! But first you might want to find a TALL box and introduce them to each other! Put them in there but watch CLOSELY! They may fight! If they do you can send it to me! JK, If they do fight but another SMALL cage and keep putting them in the box togther untill they get use to each other! Happy Hamstering!Dwarf hamsters can live in perfect harmony if they are from the same litter or have been introduced to each other when still pups.

    Introducing a completely new dwarf hamster in a cage where one has already been living for the past 3 months and expecting them to co-exist is very hard to predict. I have had cases where the two such hamsters have gone on to live very peacefully but I have also seen a few cases where the hamster already in the cage has turned violent and shown territorial behavior.

    Hamtaro is already 1 yr old in his cage and could have gotten territorial with his cage. Hence it is very difficult to predict how he would react to another hamster in his cage unless we see it in realtime. If you are still keen on trying it out, you can try to introduce the new dwarf to his cage but keep a close watch. If there is vicious fighting, you might have to separate them quickly and find the new hamster another cage.

  3. In my experience, the females are more territorial and are more prone to fighting.  

    You should only get 2 if you KNOW they are littermates.  Best bet is through a rescue (I'm fostering some dwarf hamsters right now, and I know there are unfortunately TONS out there.) or a shelter.  Just because they get along in a pet store doesn't mean they will get along at your home, so if you don't know they're siblings you should probably just get one.

    I personally like the boys better, but only because they seem sweeter. :P  Plenty of sweet girls too, though.

  4. 2 hamsters. The females are nicer.

  5. I think you should dwarf hamsters only if get two from the same breed. I would say male dwarf hamster they are that that aggressive if they are from the same litter.

  6. It really depends on the type of dwarf hamster you get (there are four types)

    check out this page to see difference:

    all have different personality types, so depending on which you have as to whether you can couple them. As a usual rule of thumb, if they were breed and raised together you house them together.

  7. Of course  there is a chance they wont fight. i have three dwarf hammy (girls) and they never fight, they might fight, however when you first put them in. but they will settle is better two get two though, i belive anyway. that way she wont get lonely. but if you do get two it is better to get girls. they are less likely to fight.

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