
EARLY pregnancy symptoms?

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just wondering if anyone has experienced early pregnancy symptoms. i'm only 5 days past ovulation and have had some weird feelings. Don't want to mention what they are just yet..... just wanted to see if anyone else had very early symptoms (implantation, maybe??)




  1. At 5 days past ovulation, you're not even pregnant yet.  You sound like you have a cold/allergy.  It's amazing how your mind can play tricks with you too.

  2. my period is due on the 30th and i tested Postive 2 days ago, i had heartburn, and major sore b***s  about 2 weeks  ago,good luck

  3. I have thought that I have had early pregnancy symptoms but it wasn't it was just all in my head, but there are sites that you can go to that would tell you and help you!!! Just try goggling pregnancy symptoms!! Good Luck and God Bless!!!

  4. 5 days after ovulation is before implantation and before you are pregnant and have any pregnancy hormones.

    Typical pregnancy symptoms usually do not appear until after you miss your period and after the pregnancy test is positive.

    Many women with typical symptoms are not pregnant and many pregnant women have no typicall symtoms.

    Some pregnant women may experience all, some, or none of the typical pregnancy symptoms:

    For most women, missing a menstrual period is usually the very first sign that they are pregnant.

    Nausea and morning sickness are usually among the earliest pregnancy symptoms

    Even before missing a period, some pregnant women report having to go to the bathroom more often.

    Tiredness and exhaustion could be among the very early sign of pregnancy.  

    b*****s may often become tender, similar to the way they feel before your period.

    Having a typical biphasic or triphasic temperature chart

    Many of these symptoms usually do not appear until after a missed period when hCG levels are high enough to induce these symptoms, often weeks after implantation.

    Only by doing a pregnancy test after you miss your period (it's positive in 51% of women 1-2 days before a missed period) can you find out if you are pregnant or no.

    http://babymed. com/faq/Browse.aspx?52

  5. I am with you all the way. I am also only 5 days past ovulation with breast tenderness and generally feeling weird. I know that medically there is no reason why we should be showing symptoms and signs of pregnancy but it does happen for some people. To be honest I was not trying to become pregnant this month as i am getting married next month but had gone off contraception in preparation for a honeymoon baby and was a little careless this month (out of the habit of using protection...). Anyway i will be overjoyed if i am but i know how the thought of being pregnant can play with your mind! This is not my first pregnancy and i did have terribly sore b*****s with the first but it did not start untill after my missed period. Unfortunately all we can do is hope and cross our fingers for the dreaded 2WW (two week wait) to finish...

  6. i just did ivf so i knew exactly when my ovulation was, they didnt put embryo back til 5dpo so m y symtoms started about 3-4 days after that and they were, headaches, cramping, nausea, dizziness and tiredness. Good luck

  7. Probably too early.  Implantation does not occur that quickly.  Probably not what you want to hear though...

  8. I had mild heartburn around 7dpo, and I was never one to suffer from it. I was pregnant that cycle.

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